Sweden, Germany and Greece on Thursday indicate that the EU's suggestions will be implemented, and Chinese passengers will provide negative proof of crown disease testing. It is expected that more EU member states will follow this.

(London / Athens Composite Electric) The European Union encourages members of China to ask passengers from China to provide negative proof of crown disease.The early assessment of the control center (ECDC) runs counter to the end.

Sweden, Germany, and Greece on Thursday indicate that the EU's suggestions will be implemented, requiring Chinese passengers to provide negative proof of crown disease testing, and it is expected that more EU member states will follow this.

Two Greek officials said on Thursday that the government will soon announce new measures. Passengers flying from China to Greece must prove that the crown disease testing 48 hours before arriving is negative.

An official who did not want to disclose names told Reuters after the cabinet meeting: "Greece will ask passengers from China to be tested by crown disease." He said that the official would strongly recommend passengers from China to wear a mask to wear a mask on a mask.A health official also confirmed that Greece decided to implement new measures to Chinese passengers.

International Aviation Transportation Association (IATA), European Aviation Association and the International Airport Council European Branch (ACI EUROPE) issued a joint statement on Thursday, which expressed regret for the EU's instinct response, and hoped that the European Union would re -evaluate relevant suggestions in mid -January.They also believe that the surge in crown diseases in China will not exacerbate the epidemic in the EU and the European Economic Zone.

IATA represents about 300 airlines around the world, and the total number of international flights accounts for more than 80 % of the world's.

IATA Chairman Walsh has publicly criticized on Wednesday that it has failed to perform testing on Chinese passengers. It has been confirmed that such measures have been confirmed in the past three years. Increasing restrictions can only delay the peak of the virus for a few days.

Walsh also emphasizes that countries have had tools for controlling crown diseases, and "do not need to resort to invalid measures to cut off international connections, damage the economy, and damage employment."Some European and American epidemiologists have also questioned the effect of restricting Chinese passengers' entry.

The reduction of Polish cases will not be particularly limited to Chinese passengers

China plans to relax travel restrictions from January 8.ECDC said last week that the level of vaccination of EU citizens is relatively high. Compared with the daily infection of the EU, the possibility of input infection is lower.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Polish Minister of Health Nejerski said on Thursday that Poland will not currently perform special travel restrictions on Chinese passengers.The first reason is that Poland has decreased in the past two weeks, and there is no sign of indicating that the infection rate has increased.

He said, the second reason played a decisive role."Whether it is the World Health Organization or other international health institutions, neither has found new mutations in the crown virus that is popular in China. That is to say, the strains we face have the same gene sequence structure as the virus popular in Poland."