(London Reuters) The Russian Russian town in Eastern Ukraine's strategic heavy town Lyman attracted two powerful allies in Putin to publicly criticize the senior general of the Russian army.

Cadrov, the leader of the Russian Federal Republic of Chechen Republic, left a message on Saturday on Saturday on Saturday, criticizing his leader in Liman's leading Russian commander, and the "mediocre" should be reduced to the second -class soldier and deprived of the medal, and then sent to the front line to the front line.Let him wash his shame with blood.

Liman is the supply line hub of the Russian army in the northern part of Donetsk, and it is a big setback to lose this strategic strategic way.

Cadrov also said that he pointed out to Graceimov, the chief of staff of the Russian third person two weeks ago that the Russian army may have defeated in Liman, but Glasimov not only refutes this view, but also refutes this view.It is also emphasized that the leadership of the flattening is not doubtful, and it is believed that the Russian army cannot fall to the point of withdrawal of Liman.

Cadrov is a close ally of Putin. In 2007, under the support of Putin, he served as the leader of Chechen.Cadrov supported Russia to send troops to Ukraine. He also mobilized the Chechen army to Ukraine to fight alongside the Russian army.

In response to the defeat of the Russian army, Cadrov said that the Russian army should take more tough means to consider the use of low equivalent nuclear weapons.His nuclear military proposal has become a headline news, which also attracts the attention of the outside world to include his contempt for senior Russian generals.

In Russia, senior elite seniors have always avoided publicly criticizing military operations. Now the Russian generals are accused, which shows that Putin's elite circle is deeply disappointed and dissatisfied with the defeat of the battle.

The founder of Wagner Group, the founder of the Mercenary Organization of Putin, also issued a statement in favor of Cadrov's remarks.In the statement, Paligo Zancadrov "You are awesome!", Also said that the "bastard" generals should "hold the machine gun on the front line".

When asked if he was criticizing whether he was criticizing the Russian Ministry of Defense, Porigerjin replied ironically: "This is absolutely necessary."