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Queen Elizabeth II suddenly resigned on September 8th, adding unstable factors to the geopolitical situation in the UK. At present, there are many problems in Britain, regardless of their internal affairs or diplomacy, New BritainAfter the death of the Queen loved by the people, Prime Minister Tras stabilized the people's minds, led the country to unity, and challenged difficulties. The new King Charles III is far worse than the Queen, regardless of the people's hope or influence. Does this indicate the end of the British monarch?

In the UK, it is the Prime Minister who has real power, but Elizabeth II, who has been in office for more than 70 years, is a British soul figure in the minds of many people and a symbol of Britain.In the words of the British Prime Minister Tras, the queen is "the cornerstone of modern Britain", which provides the country with "stability and strength we have to be."

Although the British royal family has not directly participated in politics, the Queen has always played a role in helping the government to maintain people's identity and social stability.Some analysts believe that the Queen's death is another major test for her just overlas.

Britain is currently facing an unprecedented economic crisis. The inflation rate has soared to double -digit. Many families have been impoverished due to energy prices soaring. It is estimated that household energy expenditures have soared by an average of 80%from October.There are no people who are not able to "sit in the town" now. How can she eliminate the negative emotions of the people and return the British economy to the track faster?

Jeremy Black, a British contemporary scholar, believes that Tellas must "show extraordinary leadership" at this difficult time.He said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: "This is a huge test that British prime ministers have never faced. This is also the key to determining the success of Tellas. If Tellas can pass the crisis and show the leadership talent, she will be she will be.Win the praise of the Chinese people. "

According to Yougov's recent polls, only 12%of the British believe that Tras will be an excellent leader; another 35%of the respondents believe that Tellas will be a bad prime minister, with the highest proportion.

In an inauguration speech on September 6, Tellas proposed three priority matters -developing economy, responding to energy crisis, and improving medical services.Tellas emphasizes that measures will take measures to reduce the financial burden caused by the rise in energy prices and ensure that British energy supply in the future, but she does not provide any details for these commitments.The opposition party splashed cold water for Tras for the first time.The Scottish National Party predicted that Tras would be "worse" than former Prime Minister Johnson, and urged her to take practical actions in reducing the cost of living.David, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, said that under the leadership of Tras, she would see more crises and confusion during the rule of Johnson, urging her to "advance in advance."

Tellas has called for abolition of the monarchy

Black said that despite being favored, Tellas is the most important thing now is to lead the country to survive the current crisis."Tellas should do the same, give priority to solving people's livelihood problems, improve public opinion support, and prove their leadership ability."

Tellas appealed to the abolition of the monarchy in 1994. At that time, she was only 19 years old and even described the monarchy.Turis, who is now Prime Minister, is afraid to repeat the past and mourn the Queen, saying "the Queen represents the spirit of the British Britain, and this spirit will be permanently inherited."Public opinion generally believes that this once again proves that Tras is a politician who sees the wind.

The Washington Post is described as "Politics Change Dragon" to describe Tras.As we all know, before the firm defenders of Brexit became Brexit, Tellas struggled for Britain in the European Union.But after the Brexit referendum in 2016, Tras turned to escort Brexit.

Black said: "Therefore, Tras should be more cautious when dealing with the royal family. If you are not careful, you may be amplified by the media or associated with her previous remarks, which will be unfavorable to her governance.Impact. "

Peter Mandelson, a senior politician of the British Labor Party, believes that Tellas should "take care of the people's emotions first, temporarily put the renovation aside" to show the tender side.

25 years ago, the princess of the British prince Diana died unfortunately in a car accident. At that time, the British royal family chose to deal with low -key treatment. Only two short statements were issued, and they also refused to reduce the flag.The then British Prime Minister Blair had a good grasp of the emotions of the people at the time. In the mourning speech, Diana said that Diana was the "people's princess".It reaches 93%.

That year, Blair had just taken office for five months. He not only successfully established a affinity image, but also actively negotiated with the Queen of England. In the end, the queen gave concessions.She rushed back to London one day in advance to express her mourning of Diana's death in the form of live TV.Since then, the "Princess of the People" has also become the most classic evaluation of Diana.

Mandelson said that the collapse of the Queen of Britain was unexpectedly dying as Diana. Although the situation was different, the key point was that national leaders should be good at mastering the emotions of the people."No matter who is the Prime Minister, you will realize that you cannot be outside at this moment."

Tellas had described the monarchy when he was young. Now he became the Prime Minister. When he delivered a speech to mourn the Queen, he said that "the Queen represents the spirit of Britain Britain, and this spirit will be permanently inherited."Public opinion generally believes that this once again proves that Tras is a politician who sees the wind.

Charles has been waiting for the longest time but never has the hearts of the people

The new British King Charles III (73) is the oldest crown prince in the history of the British monarchy.Although it is a rare year, the deepest impression he has left the world to this day is always the failed marriage with Princess Diana.

In the eyes of many people, this is the biggest stain in Charles's life.

Charles inherited the throne after the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, and his second wife, Camilla, became the queen.The 75 -year -old Camilla has been regarded as a "third party" that destroys Charles and Diana's fairy tales for many years.Diana said in an interview with Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) before divorce with Charles.

In 1997, Diana, who was loved by the British people, died in a car accident in Paris, France, at the age of 36.Diana's unfortunate encounter made Charles again suffer from abuse and attacks.Some critics even believe that Charles is not qualified to be a king, and the throne should skip his generation, inherited by his eldest son William.

Today, Charles is still not very popular.According to the YOUGOV polls released in May, William's support is second only to the queen, and77%, much higher than 56%of his father.

Charlesen vowed to the British Parliament for the first time on September 12th to presence the democracy of Congress, and promised to lead the country with the selfless dedication of the mother and the late British Queen.But many people think that the British royal family can come to this day because the queen has played a very great role.Everyone also believes that this is why the queen has no abdication.

Charles is older after all. Will he abdicate the eldest son William for the eldest son for the royal family's image and long -term interests?British contemporary scholar Jerry Black does not think Charles will do so.In an interview, he said: "Most of Charles' lives are preparing for the inheritance of the throne. I think he will continue to fulfill the king's position until he dies or loses the ability to govern."

After Britain lost the queen, whether it is the government or the royal family, the new Prime Minister Tellas and the New King Charles III will inevitably face many challenges in the future.Whether the two can surrender the satisfactory "transcript" will be watched.

Will the Commonwealth disintegrate when the "London Bridge falls"?

After the death of Queen Britain, the future of the Commonwealth is also at stake.Some analysts believe that the death of the Queen of England may promote the re -evaluation of the relationship with the British royal family.

There are 56 members of the Commonwealth of Nations, 15 of which are the Commonwealth Kingdoms, including Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and several Caribbean and Pacific Island countries.

Charles automatically became the king of Britain and 14 British Federal countries after Queen Queen's death.However, Charles' personal charm and foreign influence are far from the queen. At this time, the influence of the British monarchy is also increasingly weakened.Last year, the Caribbean Island Barbados became the first country to abandon the British monarch in 30 years.Several other Caribbean countries, including Yaocai, are also preparing for cutting off this connection.

In Australia, republican politicians require the government to consider changing the political system, separate relationships with the British royal family, and implement a real republican system.Cindy McCrery, an expert in monarchy and colonialism at the University of Sydney, believes that the days of monarchy in Australia have been "only".

McRirry said: "When Elizabeth II visited Australia in 1954, many Australians had a personal relationship with Britain. Now there are not many Australians who have this blood relationship with the United Kingdom. Many people are born in Australia.Either immigrate here from other countries. "

But McLry believes that due to respect for the Queen of England, the Australian government will not immediately promote the abolition of the monarchy.

New Zealand Prime Minister Adene also said in an interview on September 12 that she believes that New Zealand will eventually become the Republic and no longer hold the British monarch as the head of state.But she showed that this would not happen in the near future.

In Canada, there are still a few people supporting the Republic, but a poll in April last year showed that 67%of people opposed Charles in succession.

He Liangliang, a senior current affairs commentator in Hong Kong, commented on that more countries will definitely leave the Commonwealth in the future.

He said: "The Commonwealth is originally a symbol, which mainly relies on the Queen's own charm. Now the queen is gone. Don't say that it is some British Federal countries in Asia, Africa, even Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.If the country, will it be hard to say whether the new king will be regarded as their leaders. "

In he believes that whether it is the Commonwealth or the Commonwealth Kingdom, it is a "fame and death" and may also disintegrate.

Cui Hongjian, director of the European Institute of China International Institute of International Issues, mentioned in the same comment that the highest evaluation of the British queen at the same time is that she provides stability.If the diplomacy of Charles III in the Commonwealth will be better, to a certain extent, it can still maintain the Federal Federation.

Cui Hongjian also said: "What will the Commonwealth exist in the future, in addition to the performance of the royal family, but also depends on the performance of the British government."

He believes that the British government can allow the Commonwealth countries, especially those countries that once Feng Queen as the head of state in some realistic politics and real interests.Inside, this is good. "