Weekly North Korea analysis pointed out that South Korea has high dependence on Chinese materials, 40 % of semiconductor, 93 % of batteries, 53 % of medicines, and 52 % of rare earth.In other words, as long as China takes economic retaliation against South Korea, the South Korean economy will be severely hit.


South Korean government decided to participate in the preparatory meeting of the "Chip Quartet Alliance" led by the United States, causing concerns about whether it will have a negative impact on the relations between South Korea and China.The analysis pointed out that in order to maintain national interests in the dispute between Sino -US semiconductors, South Korea must take the wire to find a balance.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue said on August 8 about the question of joining the chip Si -Alliance (Chip 4 Alliance), there is no need to worry too much.He will study carefully with the relevant departments and firmly safeguard the national interests.

Public opinion believes that South Korea is on the surface to safeguard national interests, and there is actually pressure from the United States behind it.In order to curb the development of Chinese semiconductors, US President Biden must form a chip alliance with Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.If the South Korean government does not participate, it may be regarded as closer to China.

It is understood that the United States requested South Korea to reply to the chip Quartet Alliance before August this year.The preparatory meeting of the chip Sifang League was expected to be held in early September. The South Korean government said on Wednesday (August 31) that the meeting may be held in mid -September due to the adjustment of the meeting.

The main reason for South Korea's negative position on the issue of joining the alliance is to worry about China's economic retaliation, which leads to a heavy blow to South Korean companies that rely on China.

In 2021, South Korea's total exports to China were 162.913 billion US dollars (about S $ 227.6 billion), reaching 162.4 times that of the establishment of Dahan and China in 1991.During the same period, the total exports of South Korea increased from US $ 71.88 billion to US $ 64.44 billion, only eight times.This is why the United States wants to enter the Alliance in South Korea, and South Korea should first look at Chinese face.

The report from the Korean Institute of Overseas Economic Research shows that the dependence of overseas supply networks from large and small and medium -sized enterprises to China has reached 35 % and 47 %, respectively.Due to the high dependence, as long as China takes measures to restrict exported raw materials for South Korea, Korean companies are likely to face a comprehensive crisis.Although South Korea is a semiconductor power, semiconductor import dependence is very high, because Samsung and SK Hynix have set up semiconductor factories in China. After almost completing the entire chip processing project in China, they are exported to South Korea for subsequent processing such as chip cutting and packaging.

Weekly Korean analysis pointed out that South Korea has high dependence on Chinese materials, including 40 % semiconductor, 93 % of batteries, 53 % of medicines, and 52 % of rare earth.In other words, as long as China takes economic retaliation against South Korea, the South Korean economy will be severely hit.In the short term, chip Quartet alliance may delay the development of China's semiconductor industry, but in the long run, if the United States reduces its dependence on Asia, the Korean semiconductor industry will also be hit.

The Korean nation 21 emphasizes that on the one hand, South Korea must overcome the dispute between Sino -US semiconductors through diplomatic wrists, and on the other hand, it is necessary to maintain technological advantages.

President Park Zaigen, president of the Korean Semiconductor Display Technology Society and Professor of Hanyang University, pointed out that China is developed by the government's dominant semiconductor technology, so it is fast to catch up with South Korea.South Korea should maintain the technical advantages of memory semiconductors to prevent China from catching up.South Korea must actively invest, enabling domestic fragile materials and equipment fields to compete with multinational companies.

Li Wanghui, a professor at the Department of Political Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Affairs of Asian University in South Korea, believes that although South Korea's joining the chip alliance is imperative, it does not mean that South Korea ignores China's reaction.About 60 % of the chips exported to South Korea have entered the Chinese market, and from 2025, China will surpass the United States to become the world's largest chip consumer, so South Korean companies' dependence on China will further deepen.

Li Wanghui also said that it should be prepared for the prospects of the failed of the chip Sifang alliance, because the success of the alliance requires close cooperation between Sifang companies, but Samsung, TSMC, Intel, etc. are fierce competitors, and are unlikely to cooperate sincerely.When the South Korean government begins to negotiate, it is necessary to convince the United States well to prevent Samsung and SK Hynix be hit in China.