(Kanavir Koro Comprehensive) The NASA predicts that on Monday (August 29), a giant unmanned lunar rocket will launch a critical step for the human return to the moon.

NASA (NASA) said that if everything goes well, the most powerful carrier rocket in the American history -Space Launch System (SLS) and the "Hunter" spacecraft equipped are scheduled to be scheduled to be on the local time on the local time.At 8:33 am (8:33 pm Singapore time) for the first time, the first test flight was launched, and the "Artemis No. 1" unattended flight test task was launched.It will take off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, then fly around the moon, go deep into places that fly farther than any artificial spacecraft, and return to the earth after 42 days.

This return to the moon named "Artemis" is to let humans land on the moon again, restart the new era of exploring the moon, and prepare for the exploration of Mars mission.The ultimate goal of this plan is to carry manned landing in Mars.

Although the "Artemis 1" mission will not be equipped with astronauts and will not land on the moon, this task is crucial to prove that the ability of NASA giant rockets and deep space spacecraft is essential, representing NASA's return to the moonThe key turning point of the plan.

Colombia Broadcasting Corporation reported that if the task was successfully completed, NASA plans to conduct the "Artemis 2" mission in 2024, and four astronauts will participate in the moon flight.As for the "Artemis 3" mission that allows humans to land in the moon again, it is expected to be completed in 2025 or 2026.

Since 1969 NASA astronauts took the "Apollo No. 11" spacecraft for the first time on the moon, and in 1972, "Apollo 17" was the last mission of the moon, a total of 12 people have landed on the moon, all of which are men in NASA men.astronaut.One of the goals of the Artemis plan is to send the first female and the first sex race to the moon.

According to the official website of NASA, the codenamed "Artemis" returning to the Moon Plan from the United States is taken from the name of the Moon Goddess in Greek mythology, which echoes the name of the Sun God's name in the "Apollo" program.One of the main tasks of the Artemis plan is to establish a base in the Antarctic of the Moon, so as to further develop deep space exploration.

The U.S. government announced the new moon landing mission of "Artemis" in 2019. It is planned to send the astronauts again to the moon by 2024.However, affected by factors such as insufficient budget, technical failure, legal disputes, and crown disease epidemic, this return to the moon is forced to delay multiple times.