NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg, who visited Canada, said that the Arctic District is increasingly important for NATO and Canada, because Russia is launching large -scale military assembly locally and has established North PoleThe headquarters also opened hundreds of newly built and the Arctic Military Site of the former Soviet Union, including airports and deep -water ports.

(Ottawa Composite Electric) Stoltenberg, Secretary -General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, warned that Russia's expansion of military power in the Arctic has constituted a strategic challenge to NATO, and NATO must strengthen the security of the North Wing to fight against Russia.

Stoltenberg, who visited Canada on Friday (August 26), visited the Air Force Base of Cold Lake, Alberta Province, accompanied by the Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau.He said at a press conference that the Arctic region was increasingly important for NATO and Canada because Russia was launching large -scale military assemblies locally.

"The shortest path of Russian missiles and bombers to North America is flying over the North Pole ... We see Russia's expansion of military power, established new bases, new weapon systems, and regarded the Arctic region as the experimental field of their most advanced weapons.Including hypersonic missiles. "

He said that Russia has established the Arctic Command, and has also opened hundreds of newly built and the Arctic Military Site of the former Soviet era, including airports and deep -water ports.

Follow China to enter the North Pole for resource exploration

Stoltenberg also paid attention to China's resource exploration of China's entering the Arctic.He said that China has openly claimed to be "near the Arctic countries."In addition to planning to build the world's largest ice -breaking boat, Beijing also invested billions of dollars for energy, infrastructure and research projects used in the Arctic.

"Beijing and Moscow vowed to strengthen the substantial cooperation in the Arctic. This constitutes part of deepening strategic partnership and challenges our values and interests."

He believes that NATO must respond to consolidate the existence in the Arctic and invest in new capabilities.

Stoltenberg also said that climate change has also become a new "security challenge", and NATO must fundamentally rethink its North Pole position."Climate change makes the Arctic District more important, because after the melting of the sea ice, economic and military activities have become more convenient."

Trudeau explained to Stoltenberg the investment and plans of Canada in the northern region, including the need to allocate billions of dollars to obtain new military equipment, satellite systems, and the sea used in the North Pole.detector.Canada will also cooperate with the United States to modernize the old "NORAD" early warning system.

"This will enhance our detection ability and block the threat from the North Pole."

In response to the US Ambassador of Arctic Ambassador in the United States of China and Russia's Arctic,

He also pointed out that the Russian and Ukraine War changed people's views on the Arctic."Russia invaded a peaceful neighbor country. This unreasonable decision to fail to break the rules -based international order for nearly 70 years of peace and stability, and also changed the way we look at the Arctic."

At the same time, the United States announced the position of new Arctic affairs ambassadors in order to strengthen the diplomacy -related diplomacy, and in response to Russia and China, it has continued to increase its existence in this region.

This Arctic Ambassador will replace the Arctic coordinator of previous US diplomat Dehart.

The State Council spokesman Patt said on Friday that the Secretary of State Brillin will soon appoint a tour ambassador to contact other northern countries, aboriginal groups and interests.

He said: "A peaceful, stable, prosperous, and cooperative Arctic region has a high degree of strategic importance to the United States, and it is also a matter of priority consideration of Secretary of State Brillings."