The second time Hamada, who served as Minister of Defense on Monday, was interviewed by a number of Japanese media on Monday that the surrounding neighbor has deployed a considerable number of new ballistic missiles. The Japanese government hasMultiple options strengthen missile deterrence to cope with these challenges.

The Japanese government will improve the defense capabilities of intercepting ballistic missiles, especially the defense system that intercepts the hypersonic missile, and establish an external missile system that fights against the enemy base.

Japan will introduce three documents to strengthen the national security strategy of strengthening Japan at the end of this year. It is expected that it is a major strategy to enhance missile deterrence.

Hamada Jing, who served as Minister of Defense on Monday (August 29), accepted a joint interview with multiple Japanese media that a considerable number of new ballistic missiles have deployed in the surrounding neighbors. The Japanese government has multiple optionsStrengthen missile deterrence to cope with these challenges.

Hamada Yinichi expressed the internal concerns of the Japanese government's hypersonic missiles in China and Russia.The Japanese government is difficult to intercept high supersonic missiles by judging the current defense system, so it is necessary to vigorously improve the missile defense capabilities in the new round of expansion of the military reserve plan.

Hamada said: "The international community is facing the biggest challenge since the end of World War II. Russia and China are trying to change the status quo.

He also said: "Missile technology is developing rapidly, and newly developed missiles are deployed around Japan. Once these missiles are launched, they can reach Japan in a very short time. For Japan's security, not only should we improve the ability to intercept missilesIt is also necessary to make realistic considerations, including the introduction of weapons with the ability to counterattack the enemy base. "

Japanese media: The situation of the Taiwan Strait heating up Japan accelerate the introduction of advanced weapons

Hamada revealed that the Ministry of National Defense decided in the 2023 budget application to include funds that can intercept the equipment that can intercept hypersonic missiles and build the "Aegis system with ships" to improve the air defense capacity.In addition, the Ministry of National Defense also plans to deploy a new generation of fighters in 2035, and is currently seeking joint development with partners including Britain.

Japanese media believes that the situation in the Taiwan Strait has caused Japanese officials to accelerate the introduction of advanced weapons and defense systems.

Japanese media reported earlier that the Ministry of Defense of Japan may seek to double the military expenses in the next five years, which has made Japanese military expenditure jump to the third place in the world.In addition, Japan is considering deploying cruise missiles with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers to enhance its counterattack ability against China.

Hamada said in an answer that if the Taiwan Strait crisis is heating up to Okinawa County, which is closest to Taiwan, the Ministry of National Defense will cooperate with local governments to provide self -defense transport aircraft and ships to help Okinawa residents take refuge.

The Japanese media pointed out that the war in the Taiwan Strait is likely to affect Miyagaki, Ishigaki Island, and Kaiguo Island in Okinawa.There are no anti -air defense signs in the local area, nor have there have been refuge exercises.110 kilometers away from Naiguo Island, local leaders are worried that mainland China missiles are missing, and 1,700 islanders will suffer.In addition, Miyaguda and Ishigaki Island are well -known tourist areas. In addition to taking care of the islanders, Japanese officials must also consider how to escort tourists to evacuate.