(New Delhi Comprehensive) India's first domestic aircraft carrier "INS VIKRANT" will be officially served on Friday (September 2); coupled(Ins vikramaditya), the Indian Navy will be served in two aircraft carriers.

The Victor is 262 meters long, 62 meters wide, and 43,000 tons of drainage.It started construction in 2009 and was launched in 2013. It tried repeatedly last August.This is India's second aircraft carrier named Vikrant, the first from Britain, retired in the 1990s.

Viklan special number can be equipped with 30 aircraft, such as the MiG 29 fighter made by Russia.The test flight of fighters and aircraft carriers will begin in November.The Indian Times reported that the Indian government was considering buying F/A-18 Super Hornet fighters from the United States and buying gusts from France.

India's actions to strengthen maritime forces are considered to compete with the increasingly powerful Chinese navy.China just held a launching ceremony for the third aircraft carrier Fujian ship in June. This aircraft carrier is equipped with an electromagnetic rebounder, which allows the heavy -duty aircraft to take off.

It is generally believed that the mainland military is preparing to send aircraft carriers to Taiwan in emergency situations and will also deploy to the Indian Ocean with multiple important maritime routes.

As China expands its sphere of influence to the Indian Ocean, India has become more and more vigilant.In mid -August, a military research ship was stopped at the port of Hangban Tota, Sri Lanka, causing dissatisfaction in India.

A senior official of the Ministry of National Defense in India said in an interview with Yomiuri News that India must strengthen the aircraft carrier fleet to protect the Indian ocean channel from being uncomfortable.Senior officials revealed that India plans to build a third aircraft carrier to maintain a balance with China's maritime forces.