(Tokyo Composite Electric) The Ministry of Defense of Japan is expected to propose a budget for the 2023 fiscal year within this month, which may be doubled in the next five years.This has made Japan's military expenditure rise from the ninth place in the world to third place.

Bloomberg reported that the government led by Prime Minister Kishida hopes to double the defense expenditure from 5.4 trillion yen (about 55 billion yuan) this year in the next five years.This will be the biggest increase since the end of World War II.

According to the Stockholm Institute of International Peace (SIPRI), if the plan is implemented, Japan's defense expenditure will jump to third place in the world, second only to the United States and China.

Russia invaded Ukraine, China attacks Taiwan's inflammation, and North Korea's development of nuclear weapons has made Japan alerting, and it also increases its national defense expenditure to get private support.Data from the World Bank show that the size of the three ninemark countries adjacent to Japan is also the largest in the world. The total soldier is 5.5 million, while the Japanese Self -Defense Force is only about 230,000.

Kyodo News reported that although the preliminary requirement of the Ministry of National Defense for the new fiscal year budget was only fine -tuned to 5.5 trillion yen, after the cost of about 100 projects was finalized, the final digital materials would be increased.

Yomiuri News reported that the new equipment of the Ministry of National Defense considers the purchase includes improved versions of missiles and radar systems, air combat drones, and can intercept rockets from China and North Korea, including hypersonic systems.

It is reported that Japan plans to increase its range to 1,000 missile inventory that can reach North Korea and China, and can launch from ships and fighters to 1,000.Japan will also allocate the next generation of fighters with Britain.

However, when Japan is preparing to add defense hardware, Japan also faces the pressure of increasing expenditure in other fields, such as salary increase and various logistics needs.

The retired navy, who is currently coaching at Kanazawa University of Technology, said: "Most people may think that the defense budget doubles, and we can buy many equipment ... but this is not just buying more thingsThe problem. "

He pointed out that increasing the salary of the self -defense team is more urgent, otherwise, even if the fighter jet is increased, there will be no enough pilots.

The current size of the Japanese Self -Defense Force is about 16,000 less than the budget.Experts believe that this is because the aging of Japanese society has led to lack of age, and the salary of the army is not attractive.

Parrano, a professor of the East Asian War and Strategic Professor of the King's College of London, said: "Personnel management and the overall benefits of Japanese soldiers should become the core."

If there is no correct diplomatic and economic policy analysis: Military expenses can not work

Data from the Ministry of National Defense of Japan shows that college graduates joined the Self -Defense Force from the officer level.EssenceIf the soldiers bear the dangerous tasks, there may be subsidies.In contrast, the annual salary of officers with four years of experience in the United States can reach $ 620,000 (S $ 86,250).

Another analysis pointed out that without the correct diplomatic and economic policies, even if the military expenses were greatly increased, the expected results could not be achieved.

The Atlantic Council Asian Security Initiative, a senior researcher of the guest, said: "Japan relies on increasing national defense expenses alone, which cannot ensure that it is safer. Instead of strengthening military power, it may make other countries in the region feel threatened and thus learn everything.In the end, everyone is not safer than the past. "