Sunak is Shanc's tough policies to China after accusing him of weakness in China and Russia.The Global Times of the Chinese Official Media said before that Sunak was a candidate for the candidate of the conservative party leader, the only candidate who "held a clear and pragmatic attitude towards the development of British -China relations".The argument of the party leader and Prime Minister of Sunak and Tellas, the Conservative Party voted on September 2 at the latest, and the results will be announced on September 5.

(London Composite Electric) Former British Minister of Finance Sonak said that China is the number one threat of Britain and global security. If he is elected the next Prime Minister of the UK, he will adopt a tough policy on China.

Sunak has ranked among the best in the five rounds of Conservatives in the past weeks. He has entered the last two strongest two in an overwhelming attitude and started a confrontation with the Foreign Minister Tras.

Sonak said on Sunday (July 24) that Tillas accused him of weakness in China and Russia, including the closure of all 30 Confucius colleges in the UK to prevent China from spreading through culture and language.Soft power; higher education institutions are required to disclose foreign funds of more than 50,000 pounds (about S $ 83,100) and review their research partners in order to "drive the Chinese government out of British universities."

The Chinese Official Media Blum Times previously said that Sunak was the only candidate for the candidate of the conservative party leader, the only candidate for the development of British -China relations.Daily posts supported by Tillas to support Johnson as a British Prime Minister, saying that this is "endorsement that no one wants."

Sunak also said on the same day that he would ask the British National Security Intelligence Institution to assist the combating Chinese espionage and seek international cooperation of "NATO" to respond to China's network threats.

Sunak will also discuss the possibility of prohibiting China from acquiring key British assets, including strategic sensitivity technology companies.Sunak said that China "stealing our technology and penetrating into our university in the United Kingdom", in foreign countries to "support" Russian President Putin by purchasing Russian oil President Putin and trying to bully neighbors including Taiwan.

Sunak violently attacked China's "Belt and Road" plan globally, "letting developing countries be difficult to repay the debt", and "by lowering the RMB exchange rate, continuously manipulating the global economy to make it beneficial to China" "Essence

He also accused the opponents of Tellas and Western leaders who disappeared the evil activities and ambitions of China, and called on the creation of a new "NATO" to check and balance China.

Earlier, in the July speech and television debate, Sunak left the impression of a more eased attitude towards China.He said that British and medium values have fundamental differences, but China is one of the largest economies in the world. Britain should create a "mature and balanced relationship" with China.Essence

Why does Sunak "suddenly" at the finals of the final?In this regard, Jian Junbo, deputy director of the China -Europe Research Center of Fudan University International Issues Research Institute, told reporters from Hong Kong Sino -Tong News Agency on the 25th that with the advancement of Brexit and the "Global British" strategy, how to deal with relations with China has become an important agenda in BritainOne, but in the British political ecology, anti -China has become the mainstream, even a "political correctness".

Sunak is currently facing some negative public opinion. At this time, it is clear that it is to cater to voters and improve support.

He continued to point out that there is still a fatal shortcoming in Sunak. He and his family are Indian immigrants.The psychological psychology will subtlely affect the choice of conservative party voters.In comprehensive factors, the probability of winning Teslas has a greater probability.

British poll, Yougov last Thursday (21st) announced the results of the conservative party members, showing that 62 % of them were ready to send Trasse to the Prime Minister's House at 10 of Tangning Street. She was 24 percentage points at 24 percentage points.Signa with a significant throwing support is only 3.8 % of Sunak.

Sunak and Tellas are expected to conduct live debate on TV on Monday (25th), and the first debate will be conducted in front of party members on the 28th.About 200,000 party members of the Conservative Party will receive votes early next month and vote on September 2 at the latest.The voting results will be announced on September 5.

At the same time, Tellas also urged China to adopt a tougher attitude, calling on the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) to become a "economic NATO" against China, and warned Beijing that if they do not abide by international rules, they will be sanctioned.