(Cairo Composite Electric) Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, who visited Africa, sought the support of African allies and refuted Moscow's statement that caused the global food crisis.

Lavrov Sunday (July 24) in the Egyptian capital Cairo gave a speech to the Arab Alliance ambassador that Western countries are distorting the truth of sanctions on global food security.

Lavrov refers to the saying that Russia advocated in the West is the saying that it is slandering Russia.He said that since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Western countries have been using their advantages to suppress other countries.

He said that from Western sanctions in Russia, you can easily understand the motivation of the West, and from this to draw a simple conclusion, that is, the Russian and Ukraine War is just the excuse for the West to Russia. "This is not about Ukraine.The world order. "He also pointed out that the West was deliberately extending the war.

Lavrov also said: "They (West) say that everyone must support the world order based on rules. The real intention is that the formulation of these rules must be beneficial to the West."

Lavrov held a talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Schukri that day and said at a joint press conference that Russia and Egypt had close relations. Russia provided wheat and weapons for Egypt, and many Russians also traveled to Egypt.

In terms of grain supply, more than 40 % of Africa wheat comes from Russia and Ukraine, while most of the Arab world and African countries are seriously affected by the shortage of food caused by the Russian and Ukraine war.Lavrov guarantees to Egypt that Russian grain exporters will fulfill all their promises.

He said: "President Putin recently called Egyptian President Cecil, emphasizing this." After the outbreak of the war, Russia continued to provide wheat for Egypt.

Lavrov stated that he hoped that the United Nations would successfully lift the "illegal restrictions" of shipping.He said: "There are still 70 foreign vessels from 16 or 17 countries staying at the port of Ukraine, including a ship trapped in the Ukang mouth due to a threat of land mines. This ship should transport food to Egypt."

He also said that all vessels that carry food to the port of Ukraine must be checked to ensure that they do not carry weapons.

After the Russian army attacked the port of Odeza on weekends, the prices of grains such as wheat and corn rose.Chicago's futures prices soared 4.6 %, and then increased to 3 % at 11.20 am on Monday, Singapore, to $ 7.82 per puppet ear (about S $ 10.84).

Lavrov visited African countries and strived for their support. In addition to Egypt, he would also visit Ethiopia, Uganda and the Congo Republic.

Analysis pointed out that the current situation is obvious that the entire African continent is unwilling to choose a side station in the Russia and Ukraine War.Because of the past during the Cold War, the side confrontation has brought a devastating impact, exacerbating the African conflict and hindering development.