Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, said that China has made positive contributions to solving global grain security issues, including cooperation with the United Nations Food Organization, World Food Program, and DevelopmentThe Chinese family offers about 30,000 metric tons of emergency humanitarian food assistance.

(Washington / Kiev Comprehensive Television) The United States calls on Russia to fulfill the unblocking agreement signed with Ukraine and allow Ukraine Valley to export as soon as possible.The United States also urged China to release huge grain reserves to help resolve the global food crisis.

Agreement signed by Russia and Ukraine (July 22), ships can restore the export of grain from the three Black Sea ports of Ukraine, and all parties shall not attack.After the war between the two countries, Ukraine, a grain -producing country, was interrupted by the Russian army.

White House spokesman Kuri said to reporters: "We all look forward to the agreement can be implemented quickly to prevent the world's most vulnerable groups in the predicament of uneasiness and malnutrition. We believe that this time will be different. We will be different. We will be different.Wait and see. "

The Vice -State of the State Council is responsible for political affairs, Nuran, at the Aspert Security Forum, praised the Turkish government and the Secretary -General of the United Nations Gutres to contribute to the Russian and Ukraine Agreement.

She pointed out that the blockade caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February has led to soaring food prices in developing countries, especially African countries, and Russia had to take action under the pressure of global pressure.

The Russian Minister of Defense Sho Gulu signed the agreement that the grain exports of the Black Sea Port can be launched in the "next few days".He also promised that Moscow would not take an opportunity to launch an attack after a thunderstorm outside Ukraine.

After the signing of the grain export agreement, the Russian army attacked the port of Odessa

However, the next day after the agreement was signed, the Ukraine said that the Russian side launched a missile on Saturday and attacked the infrastructure of the port of Oda, Odan.This port is one of the three ports opened by the Russian and Ukraine Agreement.

Southern Wuxi Combat Command said on Telegram that the enemy attacked Odessa's trading port with "Kalibr" cruise missiles. Two missiles were shot down, but two infrastructure hit the port.

Ukrainian President Zeleizki said in a daily video speech on Friday that the agreement is "complete" in line with Ukraine's interests, and the Ukraine will fully control the entry and exit of the port.He also said that Ukraine currently has about 20 million tons and a total value of $ 10 billion (about S $ 14 billion) for sale, which helps alleviate the food crisis.

After the signing of the agreement, the price of wheat plummeted immediately and fell to the level before the Russia and Ukraine War.On the Chicago Futures Exchange, the price of wheat that was delivered in September fell 5.9 % to $ 7.59 per bushel (about 27 kg), which was the lowest closing price since the Russian army invaded Ukraine on February 24.

It is expected to export in Ukraine Valley, and the United States also calls on China to assist the global crisis of food.

Obrain, the director of the State Council's Sanctions and Coordination Office, said to the media on Friday: "We want to see it play a role in the great powers and provide more food for the poor all over the world. China has always been a very active food buyer and has continuously hoarded accumulation.Food ... and at this time, hundreds of millions of people around the world are in the stages of unavailable grain. "

The International Grain Council estimates that in 2021/22, China's grain inventory reached 323.4 million metric tons, accounting for more than half of the global total of more than 607.4 million metric tons.

Obrain said about 40 % of the first batch of grain shipped from Ukraine in April to China.

In this regard, China responded that it must maintain a certain food reserves, because China's arable land accounts for less than 9 % of the world's, but its population accounts for one -fifth of the world.

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, said that China has made positive contributions to solving global grain security problems, including cooperation with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Food Planning Department, and providing about 30,000 metric tons to developing countries.Emergency humanist food assistance."While the United States accuses other countries hoarding grain and urging food to put food, it has not reduced its own consumption of food production energy, and even takes the opportunity to raise food prices and seek private interests. It is very irresponsible."