Biden and Chinese official last call in March.The United States calls China the main strategic opponent, and it is important to emphasize that high -level contact between the two countries is important to maintain the status quo and prevent accidental conflict.

(Washington Composite Electric) US President Biden Biden said on Wednesday (July 20) that he is expected to talk to China in the next few days.This will be the first dialogue between China and the United States for four months.

Bayon said to reporters when Bayeng returned from Massachusetts that day: "I will talk to President Xi in the next 10 days. I expect it."

After the conversation of Biden, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council said that it will not announce or determine that the leaders of the two countries will talk; Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Thursday to respond to the call of the leaders of the two countries. At presentMessages that can be provided.

Bynden's last call with Chinese officials was in March.At that time, Biden warned that China would face the consequences if it provided material support for Russia who attacked Ukraine; Chinese officials emphasized that "the bells must be tied to the bell", suggesting that Washington must be responsible for the situation in Ukraine.

The United States calls China as the main strategic opponent, and it is important to emphasize that high -level contacts between the two countries are important to maintain the status quo and prevent accidental conflict.Last month, Washington promoted NATO through a strategic document, saying that China faced a security challenge facing NATO.

In order to alleviate the pressure of domestic inflation, the United States is considering whether to cancel import tariffs on some Chinese commodities. However, anonymous officials of the US government revealed to Bloomberg that this call will involve a series of bilateral, regional and global issues, but with tariffs, but tariffsIt has nothing to do.

In the past few months, Biden met with his economic team. Officials discussed whether to cancel the import tariffs on Chinese goods, whether it helped alleviate the inflation of the United States' record, or caused Bayeng to be criticized by Republicans and unions.A familiarity official revealed that the Bayeng government was worried that the price of goods would not be reduced even if the tariff was reduced, and the consumers could not enjoy the benefits.

Biden: Perosi intends to visit the U.S. military in Taiwan.

For the House of Representatives Perlis planned to visit Taiwan, Biden said that the U.S. military believes that this is "not a good idea", but he said he didn't know what the current situation was.

Taiwan Foreign Ministry said that they noticed Biden's speech and pointed out that Taiwan and the United States had good trust in each other, and the communication channels were unblocked.However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said that the "exact information" of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan has not been received.

Beijing said on Tuesday that if Pelosi visits Taiwan, China will take resolute and powerful measures to respond, and it is said that such access to "seriously damage China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity".Essence

Pelossey's office refuses to comment on the grounds of security.The U.S. State Department pointed out that the trip to Taiwan was a "hypothetical" issue.Earlier, the Financial Times disclosed the plan of Pelossey's visit to Taiwan. The report also said that the White House expressed concern.

Former US Minister of Defense Esper, which is currently visiting Taiwan, said in a joint media interview on Thursday that the visits of US officials should not be determined by China.He believes that a major issue of US policy is to let China speak too much to US decisions.He said that the United States should do the right thing, let American political leaders go to Taiwan to learn about the situation, meet with Taiwan's leaders and listen to Taiwan's point of view, as a reference for American political decision -making.