After North Korea entered the era of Kim Jong Un, the official propaganda changed the tradition and began to set up YouTube channels. Some Internet celebrities even filmed short films to promote Pyongyang life.Recently, a 11 -year -old girl promoted the life of Pyongyang with smooth English English.

Girl Lin Songer YouTube Channel English Introduction of more than 50,000 people in Pyongyang

The YouTube channel "SARY VOLINE" of the Korean girl Lin Songer opened on January 27 this year, as of July 22, the number of subscribers on July 22.She uploaded four videos to introduce herself as a fifth grade student in elementary school, and introduced the interesting place of Pyongyang to the audience.

The first video she uploaded on April 26, using standard English English to introduce to the audience Pyongyang, Pyongyang, is a very beautiful and spectacular city.She said, "Everyone should be curious how my English is so good. I have learned English with my mother since I was a child. I am a loyal fan of British female writer Rowling's novel."

On July 19, she uploaded a video of having planing ice with friends to relieve the heat.At the end of the video, "See you at the Witched Water Park next time", previewing the follow -up video.The large -scale water park built in 2013 is one of Kim Jong -un's important political achievements.

Tai Yonghao, who was former North Korean ambassador to the United Kingdom, told the US Internet media "North Korea News" (NK News): "Lin Songer was Lin Jun, a North Korean diplomat who had worked with me in London before,Her's daughter is also the great -granddaughter of Li Yixue, the first -generation revolutionary veteran of North Korea, who died in 2015. Because he grew up in the UK, he can speak standard English English. "

Li Yixue and North Korean father, Jin Richeng, set sweaty in the anti -Japanese guerrillas, and won the title of "People's Army Marshal" in 1995.Li Yixue died of lung cancer on November 7, 2015. North Korea held a state funeral for him. Kim Jong -un shed tears in the funeral.

North Korea's publicity has always been a middle -aged female anchor wearing a Hanbok, broadcasting news with a smooth and majestic voice."North Korea News" states that there is evidence that the North Korean State -owned Xiguang Media Group has led local Internet celebrities to publicize the use of self -media.Obviously a script is propagated by the country.Lin Song'er's video is also very likely to be officially led.

Jin Rongxuan, a professor at the Department of North Korea at the University of East University, believes that there are two reasons for North Korea to launch children YouTuber: First, promoting North Korea is an ordinary country that follows the development of global new media;It's high.

Analysis: Avoid being blocked by the child's propaganda system

Another analysis pointed out that North Korea through the child propaganda system is to avoid the strategy of being blocked by Google account.

It is understood that North Korea's foreign propaganda media North Korea today, our nation, etc., have uploaded videos of the publicity system between YouTube, but the account was banned by Google for violation of the terms of use.