Although the price of ingredients has skyrocketed, the Korean people have changed the habit of using rice as the staple food, which greatly reduces demand. The price of origin has fallen by about 20%year -on -year, reaching the largest decline in 45 years.Last year's rice inventory was too much, and new rice began to produce new rice in August, making farmers overwhelmed.

According to the results of the food consumption survey of the Korean Department of Statistics, the price of about 44,851 won per 20 kilograms of rice per 20 kg of rice in South Korea in June, a year -on -year decrease of 20.5%, the largest decline in 45 years.In particular, the retail price of rice fell further.The price of 10 kg of rice purchased by the family fell 36%compared with last year.

Epidemium and the Russian and Ukraine War have catalyzed global food shortage, and the price of dining tables has risen every day since the end of last year.The reason for South Korea's decline in rice prices is that South Korea's rice is self -sufficient.

With the changes in the dietary habits of Koreans, rice intake has decreased year by year, and the number of meals for schools and enterprises will decrease under the epidemic.) Half of 116.3 kg.The per capita rice consumption is 155.8 grams per day, and a bowl of convenient rice sold in the market is 210 grams, which means that one person does not even eat a bowl of rice a day.

The price of rice this year has plummeted, which is greatly affected by the harvest last year.This year's rice output increased by more than 10%, and the inventory also increased. Based on April 2021, South Korean rice inventory was 950,900 tons, an increase of 56.9%over a year ago.Although the government acquired rice this year in order to stabilize the price, it cannot solve the problem of excess rice.

The Korean government has been committed to supporting the rice processing food industry and stimulating rice processing food consumption.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry Food and Food published in June "using powder rice to promote the rice processing industry countermeasures", hoping to expand the planting "powder rice" by restricting and reducing the area of rice planting, and use 10%of the annual flour demand for annual flour demandPowder rice instead to reduce imports dependence on wheat.