(Kiev Comprehensive Electric) Russia and Ukraine signed a grain export agreement the next day. The Port of Odessa in South Udea was hit by Russian missiles. The international community was worried that Russia would abide by the agreement.Nevertheless, Ukraine shows that it will work hard to resume output grains from Odeza and other Black Sea ports.

Russia argued that the goal is the port military facilities

Ukrainian President Zeleiski refers to Russia's missile attacks as a "barbaric behavior", and the international community cannot trust Moscow to perform the agreement.Russia argued that the target of the attack was the "military infrastructure" on the port.

Since Moscow invaded Ukraine on February 24, the Russian Black Sea Fleet has blocked the Port Ukraine Port, resulting in tens of millions of tons of grain unable to export.Jestonki's economic adviser Usjiako said on the 23rd that if the port was unlocked, Ukraine could export 60 million tons of grain within eight to nine months, but the attacker of the port of Odessa showed that it was impossibleEasily.

Under the mediation of Turkey and the United Nations, Russia and Ukraine signed an agreement last Friday (July 22) to restart the Ukraine's Black Sea Port and restore grain exports.The description of this agreement is a diplomatic breakthrough, which helps to curb global food prices soaring.

UN officials stated at the time that they hope that the agreement can be implemented within a few weeks.

Russia and Ukraine Agreement opens the Black Sea Sangang Exit

Unexpectedly, the next day after the agreement was signed, the Ukraine said that the Russian launching missiles attacked the infrastructure of Odeza.The Port of Odessa is one of the three Black Sea ports opened by the Russian and Ukraine Agreement.The attack violated the clauses that allowed safely to enter and exit Ukrainian ports in the agreement.

The Ukrainian military said that the two Russian "Kalibr" missiles hit a pump station area in the port of Odessa, and the other two missiles were shot down by the black air defense forces.Akonga spokesman Ignat said that the missiles were warships from the Black Sea near Crimea.

According to SUSPILNE, the Ukrainian public broadcasting company, missiles have not severely damaged Odessa Port, and the grain storage area in the port has not been hit.

Odessa Governor Marchenko said: "Unfortunately, someone is injured. The infrastructure of the port is destroyed."

Nevertheless, the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Curbrakov said in the facebook: "We will continue to prepare technical preparations for agricultural products from our port."

Odeza's missile attacks have triggered strong condemnation from the United Nations, the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills issued a statement that day: "The attack caused people to seriously doubt the credibility of Russia's dedication to abide by the agreement reached yesterday."

A spokesman for UN Secretary -General Guterres said Gutres "clearly condemned" the attack and said that he must fully implement the grain export agreement.

Turkish Defense Minister Akal said on the 23rd that Moscow told Akara that it had nothing to do with the attack.However, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zaharava acknowledged the attack the next day, saying that "the high -precision of the caliber missile has hit the military infrastructure of Odeza Port" and a patrol boat in Ukraine.The Russian Ministry of Defense said that it was destroyed a warehouse and a Ukrainian warships that stored the fish fork -fork missiles provided by the United States.

Ukraine: Gradually close and recover the southern Hulson area

In other war, Zerrenki said that the Ukrainian army is gradually getting close and recovering the Uunhlson area occupied by the enemy to fight for the Russian army to establish a strong foothold.

At the same time, the Ukrainian National Defense Information Bureau demands residents of the Enerhodar region occupied by the Russian army to provide valuable information on the Russian army's residence and residence and marching route, and provide those collusion and sympathy enemies.The names and addresses of the locals can "work together to drive the invaders out of our home."