(Morning Post) US President Biden participated in the White House Economic Consultant Conference with Crown Diagnosis .The White House Crown Corporation responded to the person in charge of the White House, Ashishja, said that the The situation was much better than the previous day.

Reuters reported that Bayeng seemed energetic when discussing the reduction of gasoline price measures on the 22nd meeting, and was highly interested, but his voice was obviously low.

Occasionally, Biden said: "My body's condition is much better than my voice."

Bynden confirmed the crown disease on the 21st, AshishjaSaid that Biden slept well that night, and ate breakfast and lunch as usual the next day. "He also let me see the dish that was eaten very clean by him."

Biden, 79, is the United States.In history, he was the oldest president. He completed the basic coronary vaccine vaccination and inoculated two additional additions.