

The annual Petersburg Climate Dialogue opened in Berlin, Germany.

In this informal ministerial forum, UN Secretary -General Guterres issued the most severe warning to the participants -facing climate change, /Strong>

No country can be out of the case.The heat waves have made large cities in many countries such as Shanghai, Paris, London, and New York.

High temperature and disadvantage health, affect livelihood, interfere with transportation, and increase infrastructure load.Drought feelings have led to the harvest of crops and the reduction of the capacity of hydropower stations.

The temperature in southern and east of the United Kingdom exceeded 40 degrees Celsius on July 19, setting a new record of 40.3 degrees Celsius.High temperatures have caused a large -scale transportation interruption and caused frequent forest fires in Europe in recent years.The French capital Paris has also recorded the second high temperature of 40.5 degrees Celsius.

The earth has actually been "baked" by high temperatures for a long time. India and Pakistan have suffered several heat wave attacks in April and May, and some areas of India have recorded high temperatures from 45 to 50 degrees Celsius.However, the high temperature of the South Asian subcontinent is not surprising.Until the place, the European countries, which are located in temperament, warm and rainy, and the changes in the four seasons, the United Kingdom, Britain, recorded the high temperature of more than 40 degrees Celsius for the first time, and the abnormal climate again caused heated discussion.

The British Police Minister Malthaus said in Congress that the temperature in 34 places exceeded 38.7 degrees Celsius high temperature records in 2019.Firefighters experienced "the busiest day since World War II", handled dozens of wildfires, and two firefighters were injured and admitted to hospital.Malthaus said that 13 people were drowned in rivers, reservoirs and lakes recently, seven of which were teenagers.

The droughts of the European mainland for many months and the recent high temperature have triggered a wildfire from Portugal to the Balkans including Greece. Portugal has died of heat wave -related accidents.Portuguese Health Chief Fredas said on the 19th: "Portugal is one of the regions of the world that is greatly affected by extreme high temperatures in the world. It must be fully prepared for high temperature weather."

Portugal's neighboring Spain has been swept throughout the territory for many days, and the temperature in many places is above 40 degrees Celsius.In the southern Andalusia Autonomous Region and other places, the temperature was even 45 degrees Celsius during the day.According to statistics released by the Institute of Health, Spain III on the 18th, from July 10th to 17th, high temperature weather killed 679 people across the country.The previous wave of heat waves had killed 829 people from June 11th to 17th.

France is also suffering from high temperature. The forest fire in the southwest has not been controlled for more than a week, and the fire area has reached more than 20,000 hectares.68 provinces in the French entered high temperature or thunderbolt orange -colored alert.

In addition to impacting the high temperature in the northern hemisphere, in addition to impacting Europe and North America, the middle and lower reaches of the Chinese Yangtze River in the eastern part of Asia, South Korea, and South Korea are also in a hot summer.In late June, the temperature appeared in late June with a rare heat of 35 degrees Celsius.

The Japanese Meteorological Agency announced on June 28 that the rainy season in Tokyo and surrounding areas ends.This announcement was released 22 days earlier in previous years. It was the earliest year since 1951. The rainy season ended.

Most parts of China have experienced high temperature and bitter summer, sycamore smoke, and the roof "sun -cherished", showing high temperature.According to the China News Agency, a white smoke on a hollow sycamore tree on the side of the Hangzhou road was scratched by firefighters.The roof layer of the Memorial Hall of the Palace Museum of Chongqing was "exposed", which caused the tiles to fall off and closed the museum.

The Chinese people who endure high temperatures are estimated to be 900 million.In many places in China, there are cases of seeking or even death due to "thermal irritation", and the extremely severe heat stroke "thermal radiation disease" has appeared on the social media hot search list.

Consumption to commute by cool weather

The hot and unbearable weather has also changed the people's consumption or commuting methods. The business of takeaway, car calling and online shopping services is extremely popular, but at the same time, they have suffered these drivers and delivery staff running in the scorching sun or heavy rain.

Platform companies that provide delivery and vehicle call services have always faced their responsibility for traffic congestion and packaging materials to increase the increase in the emissions of the earth's exhaust gas.

Until recently, the heat wave swept Europe, Asia, America, and Australia, and the health of this fragile group began to attract public attention.However, the report pointed out that money subsidies did not respond to the problems of the knights and drivers facing extreme weather, because they often worked for a long time, waiting for orders outside the corners and restaurants, and lack of medical protection.

A series of Twitter stickers in Awara, a Mencius resident of the Indian Financial Center, spread on the Internet in May. She complained that the food delivery company asked the worker to walk 4.5 kilometers from the restaurant to her house in the afternoon, which was extremely inhuman.Subsequently, another user of the delivery platform Swiggy pointed out that the company asked the workers to ride a bicycle in the sun 5 kilometers to his house.

Most of these food delivery staff are zero -time workers. They are not recognized as a member of the labor team and are not protected by safety rules. Occupational health is not guaranteed.India is estimated to have more than 7.5 million workers, and the union representative Cleh Naswami said that the delivery company increased the charges when the weather was not good, nor was it for the rights and interests of workers, and it was purely because of its strong demand.

Vietnamese delivery officers who have been asking for life for many years have recently received a little subsidy due to high temperature.In addition to rainy days, they now have additional income at high temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius.In Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the surcharges from Grab's motorcycles, food and grocery distribution services are 5,000 Vietnamese shields (about S $ 0.30), and the surcharges for fast delivery services are 3,000 Vietnamese shields (about S $ 0.18).

In the surcharge of

5000 shields, the delivery staff only got the 3600 shields.However, Ruan Jun, a Grab driver in Ho Chi Minh City, told Reuters reporters that additional compensation gave him a kind of incentive to his colleagues, because they were a group of hand parking and could not stop working because of high temperatures.

The heat covering the European continent increased the load of energy infrastructure. One of the hundreds of pounds was the decline in the power generation of multi -country hydropower stations, which impacted European energy supply.The increase in high temperature for air adjustment will cause the coal power plant to open up firepower, and the pollution caused by power generation may double.This is another health risk caused by air pollution caused by high temperature to humans.

Rabrador, a scientific official of the World Meteorological Organization Global Atmospheric Monitoring Plan, explained: "Stable and stagnant atmosphere is like a lid that can capture air pollutants including particulate matter and increase their concentration near the surface.As a result, the influence of air quality decreases and unfavorable health. "

Experts:Human activity makes the earth warmed

Scientists and climate scientists generally attribute the heating of the earth to human activities.Climate change makes heat waves hotter and more frequent.The Special Committee of the United Nations Intergovernmental Climate Change (IPCC) has been determined that most of the land areas have faced this situation.

The greenhouse gases discharged from human activities have caused the earth temperature about 1.2 degrees Celsius than the industrialization era.Dr. Otto, a climate scientist at the Empire Institute of Technology in London, said: "Due to climate change, every heat wave we now experience has become hotter and more frequent." Otto is also the world weather attribution of international scientific research institutions.One of the leaders.

Another factor that caused European heat waves is the atmosphere.A natural study published this month found that the growth rate of heat waves in Europe was three or four times that of the medium latitude regions such as the United States, such as the United States.The author of the research report believes that this is caused by the rapid flow of the northern hemisphere from west to east.

In addition, the hot air will also absorb the water in the vegetation, making the vegetation a dry fuel that helps the fire spreads.

Forest management and fire source control are also important factor.According to the European Union's data, 90 % of the forest fire in Europe is triggered by human activities, such as arson, barbecue activities, and arbitrarily discarding wires.

Another factor is that residents in Spain and other countries have moved from rural to cities. The rural population has decreased year by year, and the labor force of participating in cleaning flammable and dry vegetation has decreased.

Some people believe that the fire can prevent the rapid spread by controlling the low -intensity fire and cutting out the space without trees in the forest.However, scientists agree that if the greenhouse gases that cause climate change will not be reduced significantly, heat waves, wildfires, floods and droughts will worsen significantly.

De Dios professor of forest engineering at Larida University in Spain said: "When we look back at the current fire in one or two decades, we will feel milder comparison."

Leaders of various countries may be more than enough to be more powerful

Scientists have already pointed out that this extreme climate event will become more frequent with the climate change, and it will constantly call on countries and the United Nations to take measures to respond.However, even the leaders of various governments may be limited by policies even if they have political determination.

The US President Biden, who leads the large country of greenhouse gas emissions, went to Massachusetts on the 20th to promote the government's efforts in dealing with climate change.However, the White House press secretary Pierre said on the 19th that Biden would not issue a state of emergency climate as expected as the outside world expected.The emergency statement will allow Biden to use funds for climate without the approval of Congress.

The United States has faced the most severe forest fires for more than 10 years this year. So far, the fire has been destroyed by about 4.7 million acres (1.9 million hectares) of land, more than double the average of 10 years.As of the 18th, there were 89 mountain fires in the United States raging in 12 states. The temperature in some areas of the United States was much higher than 38 degrees Celsius. From the east bank New York City to the Las Vegas, the population of about 100 million people in the high temperature warning in the past weekPass.The National Weather Service predicts that the temperature of New York City is 99 (about 37.2 degrees Celsius), which is close to the record of 40 degrees Celsius in 1977.Dallas in Texas will even reach 112 (44.4 degrees Celsius).

Tallas, Secretary -General of the World Meteorological Organization, said at a press conference on the 19th that extreme high -temperature weather will further have a negative impact on agricultural activities, exacerbating the serious crops caused by the Russian and Ukraine war.

The impact of drought is multiple, and agriculture is the first.Researchers at the European Union Commission pointed out that 46 % of the EU territorial drought is at the level of warning; 11 % are at the level of alertness of crop water shortage.

In addition to the loss of property in front of you and the collection of crops, some officials are even more worried about how to upgrade the infrastructure to cope with the long -term heating of the earth.The waves of Britain highlighted the high temperature of the railway and airport runway.

The British railway company can respond through train slowdown or temporarily suspending, so as not to force the bending of metal orbitals and overwhelming cables, and the railway services in continental European countries are hardly affected.The British railway is setting 27 degrees Celsius as the highest temperature that the train can drive smoothly, and the settings of various countries are different.

According to one of the operators "railway network companies", when the environmental temperature is 30 degrees Celsius, the orbit temperature will be about 20 degrees higher, and the high temperature may "swell, bend and break" at high temperatures.The high temperature of 62 degrees Celsius in Suffolk's railway, but the company said that because there are not many days at high temperatures, replacing the orbit that can withstand high temperatures does not meet economic benefits.

Two airports in London are also damaged due to high temperature runway.Luton and Gatwick airport suspended flights to take off and land on the 19th.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, European heat waves lasted at least a week, and the negative impact of climate change such as high temperature will even last at least until 2060.

UN Secretary -General Gutres emphasized in the Climate Dialogue of Petersburg: "We are facing a choice now, either take action, or commit suicide together."

How to effectively fight climate change to the earth's threat to the earth, it can only be relying on the cooperation and cooperation of countries.