(Washington Composite Electric) Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, said that mainland China seems to have decided to use force against Taiwan. The Russian and Ukraine War will affect when Beijing invaded and whether it is invaded in Taiwan.

Bernes Wednesday (July 20) said at the Aspert Safety Forum held in Colorado that China is likely to have learned from the Ukrainian war that "you will not achieve quickly with overwhelming power and achieve quickly quickly to achieve quickly., Decisive victory. "

He pointed out that Russian President Putin decided to invade Ukraine was a "strategic failure", which made China feel "uneasy".He said that from Russia's encounters, China may have also learned that it must "lead information" and "do everything possible to support the economy to cope with the possibility of sanctions."

Bernus dilutes Chinese leaders and Chinese officials that may be guessed in the second half of this year.The higher the risk. "He said:" I will not underestimate Chairman Xi's determination to control Taiwan. "

As for the Russian and Ukraine War, Bernus said that although China verbally supports Russia, the United States does not believe that Beijing is providing military support to Russia.He also said that China has increased the purchase of Russian energy, but it seems to act with caution to avoid western sanctions.

Bernus also talked about the Sri Lanka crisis and believes that Sri Lanka borrows a large number of borrowings in China to build infrastructure. This "stupid bet" is one of the factor that causes its economic collapse.

He said that the dilemma of Sri Lanka was a warning to other countries."I think this brings an objective lesson in many other countries in the world, not only in the Middle East or South Asia, but also to make you be vigilant for these transactions."

Sri Lanka relies on a large number of infrastructure projects built by loans, some of which have become white elephant projects.

In 2017, Sri Lanka was forced to lease the facility to a Chinese company for 99 years because he was weak to return a port of $ 1.4 billion (about S $ 1.95 billion) in the south.The airport near the port has also been built to China for $ 200 million. This airport is rarely used, and even has no money to pay electricity bills.

Before delivered a speech, the Chinese ambassador to the United States Qin Gang said on the same occasion that Beijing still tends to "peaceful unity" for Taiwan.

Qin Gang accused the Bayeng government's support for Taiwan undermining the "one China" policy, and the human rights cards on the issue of Hong Kong and Xinjiang have also exacerbated Sino -US tension.He said: "No conflict and no war are the biggest consensus between China and the United States." He also said that only by strictly adhering to a Chinese policy and work together to curb and oppose Taiwan independence can we realize peace and unity.

U.S. President Bynden visited Japan in May that if China is committed to Taiwan, the United States is willing to use military power to defend Taiwan.Although the White House quickly clarified Biden's remarks, the outside world believed that this seemed to change the vague position in the United States for long -term military intervention.