The dispute between the abortion right in the United States

(Washington Composite) The US Federal Supreme Court overthrowing the "Luo Verid Case" judgment that makes women abortion's rights no longer be protected by the Constitution, and many Americans worry that other basic rights such as contraception will not guarantee.As soon as the latest judgment came out, the people who immediately triggered a demonstration of people who supported and opposed abortion rights were summoned to show each other. The social cracks in the United States tended to deepen.

The ROE V Wade case in 1973 ruled that women's abortion rights were protected by the Constitution and became a milestone case for US law to protect abortion rights.However, nine major judges of the Supreme Court of Federation overturned the verdict on the 24th with five votes to four votes on the 24th.

Shortly after the Supreme Court made a decision, President Biden immediately called on Congress to formulate federal laws, restore the protection of women to give women in the Luo case, and also call on voters to elected candidates for abortion rights in the midterm election.

He said that the "cruel" of the court decided to deprive women of the control of their lives and made the United States retreat for 150 years.He pointed out that 50 years after the Luo case passed, the Judge nominated by the Republican President of the Republican Party maintained this verdict, and the judicial Libra was offset until the last three judges nominated by President Trump.

According to US law, the president has no right to change the decision of the Supreme Court.Although Congress can be included in the Code of the Luo case through voting, the Democratic Party of the Senate did not have enough votes to make it.

Bayden urged Congress to take action and formulate federal law to ensure that women can be guaranteed again, otherwise voters should vote for votes to candidates who support legislation to protect abortion rights in the November election.

He promises to use all power to protect women's rights and call on the public to express their demands in a peaceful way.

Abandoned abortion rights and opponents held rally outside the Federal Supreme Court of Washington on Friday, and demonstrations were generally generally held across the United States.In Iova that night, a truck collided with rally supporting abortion rights, causing many people to be injured.

However, the US Minister of Justice Galan emphasized that the ruling did not affect the legal law of the state within its jurisdiction.

The ruling of the Supreme Court means that the abortion rights will be reserved by the federal level to decide by the federal level, that is, whether women can abortion depends on where they live.The media estimates that about half of the United States will prohibit abortion one after another.

The two states of Texas and Missouri immediately announced illegal abortion

The Federal Supreme Court ruling on Friday, the Republican owner's Dhaxus and Missouri states immediately announced that abortion was illegal.

According to the statistics of the Gutmach Research Institute, 26 states, including Gezhou and Mizhou, "affirmation or possible" prohibit or restrict abortion, and live in nursery age who have been implemented or expected to implement abortion.EssenceThe abortion right will therefore become the focus of the midterm elections in a few months.

In the Washington Special Economic Zone and at least 16 states, abortion is still legal.The Democratic Government of New York and other states vowed to defend the right to biochemical.California, Oregon and Washington issued a joint statement, promising to defend the abortion rights of the West Coast and allow residents of other states to come to abortion.

The New York Times reported that the ruling of the Supreme Court caused fear. People were worried that this was just the beginning, and the issue of other person's rights could also turn sharply.This is because the judge Thomas pointed out in the letter of opinion that the case of the Luo case should be re -examined by the case of the establishment of the right to the law.

The legal profession also warns that the Supreme Court may also overthrow the rights of same -sex marriage and even contraception.

Aldz Schuro, a professor at the Department of American Research of Cornell University, believes that the Supreme Court's ruling will deepen the polarization of society, so that "a red and blue United States, a rural and urban United States, a rich and poor peopleThe United States ".