North Korean media reported that the highest leader Kim Jong -un and the military chief held a three -day expansion meeting, and voted at the meeting to improve the major decision of the war to curb the war.North Korea has always used the term of war to curb the power to refer to nuclear military operations. Analysis believes that North Korea may have approved the seventh nuclear test.

DPRK reported yesterday that Kim Jong -un hosted the three -day eighth Central Military Commission to expand the meeting.

Kim Jong -un emphasized that the whole army followed the party's central military construction ideas and military strategic intentions, and consolidated a strong self -defense ability that no one could overcome.

North Korea usually holds a one -day party Central Military Commission to expand its meeting, but this exception has been conducted for three days.Moreover, Kim Jong -un attended all meetings for three days.

The report from the North Korean Society did not directly mention North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile plans, but Li Bingzhe, who said that Li Bingzhe, who led the North Korean missile development plan, has been promoted to the vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Labor Party.

Hong Min, a senior researcher at the Institute of Institute of Unified Research on the Korean Think Tank, pointed out: "Given that Li Bingzhe's symbolic position in the development of the North Korean nuclear nuclear, his promotion shows the determination of North Korea's accelerated development strategy and tactical weapons.The use of the word to curb the power of war in China indicates that North Korea may add tactical nuclear weapons. "

The Ministry of Unification of South Korea pointed out yesterday that North Korea has stated that "by improving the major issues of war curbing for war", the South Korean side will discuss all possibilities and pay close attention to related trends.

South Korea and the United States believe that North Korea has prepared for the nuclear test in the nuclear test field of Fengxi Lili.In other words, North Korea's seventh nuclear trial only wait for Kim Jong -un's political decision to start.