(New York / Geneva General Electric) American biologists advocate that monkey acne virus has crossed the threshold for evolution that continues to spread between people.The World Health Organization said on Thursday that there have been nearly 50 countries and regions that have reported 3200 monkey acne cases so far.

People now notice that monkey acne virus has spread quickly in various places, but the fact is that the virus has been quietly spread in the crowd for many years.

Trevor Bedford, a evolutionary biologist at Seattle Harbinson Cancer Research Center, said that the genetic information of monkey acne virus has been obtained so far, showing that in the past few yearsThe ability to spread has been enhanced."The genetic information of monkey acne virus shows that this happened in 2018."

Experts warn that if humans become the main host of monkey acne virus, the outbreak of the monkey acne epidemic will be more frequent and difficult to control.

Sagan Friant, a anthropologist at the State University of Pennsylvania, warned that monkey acne virus is a kind of human and animals, which can be transmitted from animals, can be spread to animals from humans, and formed between humans and animals and animals and livestock.The infection chain of mutual communication.The longer the monkey acne epidemic, the higher the possibility of the virus to find the new host.

Monkey acne is the double -chain DNA virus of the envelope. The genome is relatively stable and the variable speed is slow. However, compared with the 2018 Monkey Acne Virus, nearly 50 mutations in the monkey acne virus have been greatly enhanced.

The World Health Organization held a meeting of emergency committees in Geneva on Thursday. In his speech, the Organic Director -General Tan Dezai announced that in the past six weeks, nearly 50 countries and regions have reported 3,200 monkey acne cases, as well as death cases together.Essence

He said that monkey acne virus is spreading between people, and the severity of the epidemic is "underestimated."Many countries have clearly stated that they have discovered community communication in the local area.

He added that in the newly affected country, the epidemic occurred mainly in male and male actors, and those who have recently had intimate contact with new partners or multi -person partners.

How to qualitatively announced the epidemic situation recently

The WHO's emergencies (IHR) will announce in recent days to whether the outbreak of monkey acne disease constitutes "PHEIC" (PHEIC).

The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Thursday that except for the confirmed cases of monkey acne in the history of travel abroad, there is evidence that monkey acne virus has been spread in the American community.As of the 22nd of this month, 23 states and Columbia Special Administrative Regions in the United States have reported 156 cases of acne.

CDC infectious disease and acne virus expert Lao said on Thursday that these community cases mainly occurred in male and male actors, but some women were infected.The official also received reports from family members and close contacts in diagnostic cases.

Laao said: "We know that some close contacts around the world are infecting monkey acne after sharing some supplies such as sheets and towels with family members infected with monkey acne. Therefore, the spread of monkey acne is not limited to intimate contacts."