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A major shooting in the United States last month, this time in a primary school.If you are a mother with a school -age child, you must not imagine that after sending the child to the school every day, in addition to worrying whether they have concentrated on studying and bullied by classmates, it is even more terrible that someone will suddenly break into the school to mess up.shot.Almost everyone can hold guns in the United States, who are human rights.Can I protect myself?Why do ordinary people, especially teenagers need to have weapons that can cause large -scale killing?

The recent major shooting in the United States has been creepy and attracted more attention. The age of the gunmen is getting younger.

The shooting of Rob Elementary School in UVALDE in the southern part of Texas occurred on May 24th, the shooting incident on May 24 shocked the United States and attracted international attention.A 18-year-old man first fired at his grandmother, followed by another AR-15 semi-automatic rifle into a elementary school, shot a shot at the teachers and students in the school, and eventually killed 19 children and two teachers.The brutal behavior of the gunman is shuddering.

Professor William V. Pelfrey JR of the Federal University of Virginia Federal University of Federality and Emergency Preparations said that he knew that he was as anxious as thousands of parents in the United States after a campus shooting incident in Dezhou.I want to go to school immediately to check whether the children are safe."This reminds us that there are too many people in the United States to embrace guns, and guns fall into the hands of high -risk people in law and order. This is a long -term problem in the United States."

On the 14th of the same month, a fatal gun also occurred in a supermarket in Bafa, New York, and 10 people were killed.The gunman is also 18 years old and uses the AR-15 rifle.

Why are young people who are only 18 years old, so cold and bloody?Is it sick in American society, or is it that the culture of guns in the United States has promoted the problem of violence of guns?

Data show that since 2018, the nine most fatal large -scale shootings in the United States have been under the age of 21 or less.In contrast, from 1949 to 2017, only two of the 30 most fatal large -scale shootings recorded by the records were worked under the gunman under the age of 21.

Why are there so many "minor killers" in the United States?According to US federal law, you cannot buy wine or cigarettes under the age of 21, but in addition to a few states in the United States, you can buy a semi -automatic rifle as long as you are 18 years old.It is reported that the rifles held by the shooters of the Robe Primary School and the New York Certified State Certified State Certified State Certified State Certificate of New York are legally purchased.

Professor Peerfri said: "In the United States, as long as you have money, 18 years old, and meet the basic conditions of excessive looseness, you can buy how much rifle. Buying a gun is easy. Because of this, violent violence, violence, violentThe crime will happen one after another. "

The tragedy of the Labu Elementary School in Dezhou is the 27th campus shooting incident in the United States this year.Professor Peerfri said that the frequent frequent occurrences of the American campus shooting were surprising, and such violent attacks rarely occurred in other developed countries."80%to 90%of campus shootings in the world have occurred in the United States."

According to data from the Washington Post, after the Corolado Columbia Bayen high school shooting in 1999, at least 554 children and school faculty in the United States were shot or injured in the school.In recent years, countries such as Britain, Canada, and Australia have successfully strengthened the control of guns after a large -scale shot killing incident, but in the United States, especially at the federal level, it has not made particular progress.

Armed teacher cure the standards

Some people advocate that more teachers can stop guns to stop campus violence.Former US President Trump called for training teachers at the annual conference held by the National Rifle Association (NRA) in May to allow them to hide weapons during their teachings.According to Trump, to prevent the bad guys holding the gun, there is only a good person holding a gun.

But Professor Pelfri believes that armed teachers are extremely dangerous.He pointed out that when a shooting incident in Rubu Elementary School in Dezhou, Colorado Colorado High School, and Parkland High School in Florida, a public security police in the school were present."If a well -trained police officer failed to stop the school's shooting, how can he expect a teacher who has not been trained to stop the gunman or protect the student?"

He believes that the danger of spending guns to teachers is far greater than good."When dealing with emergencies, the police may not be able to distinguish who is the attacker, and fired the guns, so that teachers with firearms also lost their lives. What's worse, teachers without professional training may be inFire in a hurry, accidentally hit the police, other teachers, and even students. "

"Give more teachers to stop guns to stop campus violence." Former US President Trump called for training teachers at the annual conference held in May (NRA) in the United States National Rifle Association (NRA).The bad guy holding the gun is only a good person holding the gun.

The frequent occurrence of campus on campus makes Singapore's mother's spirit tight

In 2010, a six -year -old daughter who moved to Singaporean, a Singaporean, who moved to San Antonio, the United States in San Antonio, USA.The Dizhou Rubu Elementary School, who had a campus shooting in May, was only 150 kilometers away from her home (about 90 minutes by car), which made her mentally tight.

Huang Yanyi admitted frankly when she was interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao. After her mother, she wanted to return to Singapore more than once.The campus shooting that occurred in May brought her to the idea of moving back to Singapore again."I like Singapore's safety ... Children can move safely and freely. I don't need to worry about her security at all times."

Huang Yanyi said that it was also based on security considerations to decide to let her daughter studying in private elementary schools in the United States.She said that private schools have security personnel stationed at the school gate, which makes her more assured."Many public schools will conduct simulation drills to deal with gunmen's attacks (Active Shooter Drills). I don't want my daughter to experience these horrible things at a young age."

According to data from the US Guns Safety Support Fund, more than 95%of primary schools in the United States have performed simulation drills to respond to gunmen's attack.These exercises are often very realistic, allowing masked men who play the gunman to carry fake guns, shoot to students who play the victims, shoot and splash (fake) blood.This bloody scene may not effectively prevent the occurrence of emergencies, but many students, even teachers have left an indelible shadow.

Although she has worked in the United States for more than 10 years, Huang Yanyi still cannot recognize the local gun culture.She said that she and her family in the United States never had guns."I think the guns should only be used to hunt ... Compared with other states, the control of the gun in Dezhou is very relaxed. Here you can buy guns as long as you are 18 years old. If the gun control is strengthened, there should not be a large -scale campus shooting case."

Huang Yanyi also does not agree with letting teachers take guns to class, thinking that such suggestions are absurdof.She said: "Of course not in favor. Teachers' responsibilities are to cultivate the next generation, not to pick up weapons to protect students. I hope teachers will educate my children with love and patience, rather than worrying about how to use guns to retreat to attackers"

Schools are no longer the safest places

As the father of four children, Dwyane Wade, a well -known professional basketball player in the United States, said that the campus shooting in May made him unable to sleep all night, fearing that his child would become the next onevictim.He lamented: "The school is no longer the safest place."

Wade said that not long ago, he took his son to the school's school to watch the children's performance. He had been sitting restlessly in the audience, and his eyes were involuntarily looking around.

Wade said in an interview with the United States CNN (CNN): "I can't calm down to watch the performance on the stage. I think about how to escape the children.What should I do around? "

Wade said that he also felt that he was a bit over -reaction and mocked himself: "After being a parent, except for the safety of the child, everything else has become no longer important.", Do everything to "protect our children".

The United States has serious differences on firearms

After two terrible large -scale shootings in the United States in May, the sound of restrictions on guns has risen, and the large -scale demonstrations of opposition to the violence of guns in various parts of the United States have continuously broke out.US President Biden also urged Congress to legislate as soon as possible to take new restrictions on the flood of guns.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the US Parliament Senate voted on Thursday (23) and passed a gun control bill."Dangerous people" guns, strengthening campus safety construction, and mental health education.

It is understood that this version of the bill was finally agreed by the Senate's two -party members after a few weeks of closed -door discussions.American media described that this is "major breakthroughs in decades."The bill will be sent to President Biden to sign and take effect.

But on the day of the bill passed, the Supreme Court of the United States also overturned a law in New York State to restrict the people's hidden carrying guns outside.The judges pointed out that this requirement violates the right to "hold and carry weapons" in the second amendment of the Constitution.

The gun control can only be talked on the paper

The ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Senate's actions on the safety of guns showed that there are still serious differences in the problem of guns in the United States.The social tear caused by the battle between the two parties in the United States makes the gun control only talk about the soldiers on paper.

The problem of guns in the United States has been difficult to solve for a long time, and it is becoming more and more serious. Another major reason is that the United States admires the culture of violent culture.Although the regulations of gun control in the United States are different, all state governments cannot prohibit people from buying weapons.

Patrick M. Carter, director of the Institute of Gun Institute of Public Health, the University of Michigan, Patrick M. Carter believes that it will be ineffective to completely ban guns in the United States.

Although Carter agrees with the statement that the guns can upgrade violence, referring to the firearm culture in the American society."The problem is that many Americans feel that they need to carry their guns to protect themselves."

He said that the violence of guns in the United States has become more and more intense, and social security has continued to deteriorate, which has further caused panic of ordinary people, making people feel that it is safe to "buy guns to prevent themselves".Such a vicious cycle has led to self -risk throughout the American society and more and more guns.Unless it is aimed at the constitutional amendment, or the Supreme Court sentences the gun to hold a gun unconstitutional, it will be difficult for the United States to progress on the problem of gun control.