(Morning News) The stock price of the ideal car (Li Auto) has performed well in the past few days.Overnight, the stock continued to climb up nearly 7 % on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, and the closure of the market was $ 39.24.In the past five trading days, the ideal car stock price has risen by more than 26 % and moves towards the 52 weeks.

The ideal car stock price has taken advantage of the significant rebound of the stock market this month, and began to surpass the 10 -week and 40 -week average of the stock itself.The ideal car fluctuates between $ 16.86 and $ 40.01.

Ideal car L9 launched on Tuesday (June 21) also allows investors to pay attention to the stock.

This range of over 1,100 kilometers of extended electric home SUVs aims to compete with luxury car companies such as Mercedes -Benz, BMW and Rolls Royce.The six L9 Max is expected to start shipping in August.

In addition, according to Bloomberg report, China is also considering extending the tax reduction policy for purchasing electric vehicles.The news also allowed the ideal car stock price to take a higher level overnight (Thursday).In addition to ideal cars, other Chinese -funded electric vehicle stock prices, such as: BYD (BYD), XPENG, NIO (NIO) also rose overnight because of this news.

The report quoted Chinese state -owned television reports that at the meeting of the Chinese government's senior management on Wednesday, it was suggested to extend the policy of exemption tax for new energy vehicles.New energy vehicles include pure electric vehicles, plug -in hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles.

This exemption can ensure that the sales of new energy vehicles in the Chinese market continue to grow.China's electric vehicle sales turned over in 2021, but this year, due to the supply chain and other problems, the business has received obvious resistance.

The current exemption policy will expire at the end of this year.According to China Electric Vehicle News Network CNEVPOST.com, this policy has been implemented since 2014.Under the policy, consumers who purchase new energy vehicles can save consumers who purchase fossil fuel cars with an additional 10,000 yuan (about $ 1580 or S $ 2074).

In addition to the ideal car, BYD's stock price rose 3.15 % overnight in the US market, $ 39.50 in the closed market.Weilai also started 2.22 % in the New York stock market and closed the market 23.05.Xiaopeng Automobile rose 7.82 %, $ 32.97 closed at the closed market.However, the stock price of these electric vehicles still has a distance from their 52 weeks.
