(Washington / New York Comprehensive) The US Federal Supreme Court overthrowing the jurisdiction of the constitutional protection of abortion rights is not only caused by shocks in the country, but the United Nations and multiple national leaders have also publicly criticized this decision in the US court.

Bacheli issued by the UN senior commissioner of Human Rights emphasized that safety, legal and effective abortion is rooted in the International Human Rights Law.Over the past 25 years, more than 50 countries have relaxed abortion laws, and the US court's ruling is to open a reverse.

UN Population Fund pointed out that nearly half of the world's pregnancy is an accident, and more than 60%ends through artificial abortion.However, 45%of artificial abortion in the world is unsafe, which is the main reason for the death of pregnant women.

UN Secretary -General Gutres said it was worried that it would lead to more illegal abortion and more fatal consequences.A spokesman for the Secretary -General said that the United Nations repeatedly emphasized that reproductive rights are an important component of women's rights. Restrictions on abortion will only make abortion more dangerous.

The Director -General of the World Health Organization Tan Desai said: "Women's rights must be protected. I thought the United States would protect such rights."

The US Federal Supreme Court's ruling allows the United States to join a few countries such as Poland, Russia and Nicaragua. These countries have canceled abortion rights in the past few decades.The leaders of major Western countries have disagreed with the ruling of the US court.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau believes that this jurisprudence in the US court is "terrible" development that threatens women's right to choose.

British Prime Minister Johnson said: "This is a big drive. I always believe that women have the right to choose."

French President Macron wrote on Twitter: "Women's abortion must be protected. I want to support the women who have encountered the challenge of the Supreme Court of the United States."

Belgian Prime Minister Decro sent a tweet that he was very concerned about the signal issued to the world.

Norwegian Prime Minister Steler said on Twitter: "This is the serious retrogression of women's rights!"

The Vatican recognized the ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States, saying that Western democratic countries have been enthusiastic about life for life for a long time.

Many large companies in Meimei announced that they provide allowances to provide allowances to abandon employees

In the United States, a number of large companies have announced that they will provide allowances and bear travel expenses for employees in need, allowing them to perform surgery in the legal state where abortion is legal.

A spokesman for Walter Disney said that the company insisted on providing employees with comprehensive high -quality medical care, including abortion surgery.

Meta spokesman said that the company would provide travel allowances to employees who were going to abortion to his state within the legal scope.

Morgan Chase, the largest bank of the United States, has notified domestic employees this month that from July 1st, it will bear the cost of legitimate abortion in other states from July 1.

However, these companies may face the laws challenges or criminal punishment of the Republican government or anti -abortion organization, because the policies that these companies assist others to abortion violate state laws.

The approach of small American companies may be different from large companies.A survey by the market research institution Gaodener at the end of May shows that if the Supreme Court overthrows the "Luojevel Case" jurisprudence, less than 10%of the decision makers of the company's personnel department saidTravel expenses or approve paid leave.