(Washington Composite Electric) The United States has established an informal organization with Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the United Kingdom to promote the economic and diplomatic relations between the five countries and the Pacific island nation.

This organization is called "PARTNERS in the Blue Pacific (PBP), which will provide assistance to Pacific island nations such as Fiji and Samoa and consolidate their economic connections with other parts of the world.

According to a joint statement issued on Friday, senior officials of the Five Kingdoms held a meeting in Washington from June 23rd to 24th, and negotiated with the Pacific Island State delegation and French and EU observer.

The statement said: "We are united and determined to support a area where the Pacific people are benefited. We are united in how to implement this vision, that is, the principles of Pacific regionalism, sovereignty, transparency, and accountability.Directed and leading by the Pacific Island Country. "

Fiji is becoming the center of beauty and Pacific national contact center

On the occasion of China's economic, military and police officers to strengthen the economy, military and police in China, the Bayeng government has repeatedly emphasized to invest more resources in the Indo -Pacific region.

The National Security Council India Pacific Affairs coordinator Campbell emphasized on Thursday that the Pacific region will have important strategic significance, and the United States will strengthen the connection with the Pacific countries in the future.

He pointed out at the forum of Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center that it is necessary for the United States to establish more diplomatic facilities in this region and make more contact with those Pacific island countries that have less attention."You will see more cabinet levels, senior officials go to the Pacific Ocean ... We have to start real diplomatic efforts."

Campbell said he predicts that Fiji will become one of the central contacts between the United States and the Pacific countries.

The Fiji Ambassador to the United Nations Plasa said in the same forum that the relationship between the Pacific Island country and Washington must be "highly predictable" and cannot stop."Government and people of the Pacific countries will welcome long -lasting partnerships with the United States."

U.S. Secretary of State Broskere's visit to Fiji this year announced that Washington will accelerate the opening of the embassy in the Solomon Islands.Blintken has been the highest -level US diplomat who visited Fiji over the past 40 years.He also promised that the United States would provide more help in all key areas of Pacific.

Senior official of the US State Council responsible for marine and international and scientific affairs, Mideidine, said the fields that Pacific Island countries specially needed to help respond to climate change and crack down on illegal fishing.

China signed a security agreement with the Solomon Islands in April, and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi then visited the Pacific Islands in May. Frequent diplomatic activities attracted the attention of the United States, Australia and New Zealand.In order to counter China's influence in the Pacific region, Australia and New Zealand have worked hard to strengthen their relations with neighboring Pacific.

The leaders of the Pacific Island Forum, including Australia and New Zealand, will meet next month. The increasing interest and influence of China in this region will be the key topics of the meeting.