(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. trade representative Dai Qi said at the parliamentary hearing that the United States' tariffs on goods to China more than 300 billion US dollars (about $ 416.3 billion) each year are an important tool for impact on Beijing.From the perspective of negotiation, it is harmful.

Dai Qi testified on Wednesday on Wednesday at the Senate Dating Committee, and the Tennessee Republican Senator Bill Hagotti asked her whether the cancellation of punishment tariffs on China would have more bad behaviors in Beijing.Dai Qi said that the United States has repeatedly sought China's commitments, but found that lasting changes are still elusive. Washington should not give up the practice of improving tariffs.

She said that the United States has communicated directly with the Chinese leadership since October last year and urged the Beijing to fulfill the first -stage trade agreement with the Trump administration, but several rounds of "difficult discussions" show that China has fulfilled their best to follow up.Not interested in entering the agreement.

Dai Qi said that if the tariff adjustment is to be reduced to reduce inflation, "what we can do is limited."She told the senators: "Regarding the next action, they are waiting for the president to make a decision."

Daiqi and Yelun think in sharp contrast

Bynden said on June 18 that he was considering canceling some tariffs levied by his former Trump, but planned to talk to Chinese leaders in China.Trump's tariffs have expired from July 6.

Daiqi's statement is in sharp contrast to the U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen. Yellen said this month that tariffs have hurt American consumers and companies and encouraged the most violent inflation in 40 years.Yellen pointed out that reducing tariffs can help cool down inflation, but also acknowledged that tariff reduction is not a "pitch" for solving inflation.

The US Minister of Commerce Raymond also said this month that it may be useful to curb inflation by canceling the tariffs of some products.