G7 summit and NATO summit and NATO summit are held in Germany and Spanish capital Madrid, respectively.Senior US officials disclosed that G7 leaders are expected to announce new measures for pressure on Russia at the meeting.It is expected that NATO leaders will approve a new strategic concept to deal with the threats brought by Russia and involve China for the first time.

(Washington Composite Electric) Seven major industrial groups (G7) and leaders of NATO member states will gather next week to try to strengthen pressure on Russia for the Ukraine War, while emphasizing their continued attention to China.


G7 summit will be held in Germany from June 26th to 28th, and then the NATO Summit will be held in the Spanish capital Madrid from the 29th to 30th.

With the thinking of how to bear the impact of sanctions on the economy by the Russian War on the Russia, especially the continued pushing of fuel prices, Ukraine and Russia are expected to be the focus of these two diplomatic gatherings.

Before the US President Biden set off to Germany to meet with the leaders of Germany, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan, senior US officials disclosed that G7 leaders are expected to announce new measures for pressure on Russia at the conference.The official who asked for anonymity said: "We will make specific suggestions to increase pressure on Russia."

Officials said: "How can we maximize the pain to the Putin regime? And how can we minimize the overflow effect on other parts of the world? I think the discussion on the challenge of the energy market and the energy market at the summit at the summit, It should be carried out with this as the background. "

The summit will also discuss China's "stressful economic behavior".Interviewed officials revealed that G7 leaders will launch a new infrastructure initiative aim to provide high -quality and transparent investment options for low -income and middle -income countries.

This is obviously a "Belt and Road" initiative in China. This project has been criticized due to opaque contract and harsh loan conditions.

Another official said: "At the summit, we will launch a set of specific suggestions to increase pressure on Russia and show our collective support for Ukraine." But he did not disclose more details.

However, he also said: "G7 leaders will also promote a world vision based on freedom and opening up, that is, not coercion, not aggression, or dividing the scope of power, but to strengthen us in economic and network spaceCooperation, especially in response to challenges from China. "

Zelei Sky will give a speech at the two summits through a video

U.S. officials have confirmed that Ukraine President Zelezki will give a speech at the two summits through a video link from Ukraine to explain his combat plans against Russia and Ukraine's aid for the implementation plan.

Several US officials pointed out that at the NATO summit, the leaders of Australia, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand will join the NATO summit for the first time, indicating that the Russian and Ukraine War did not weaken the attention of Western countries to China.

Officials said, "Russia's war on Ukraine has stimulated our partnership in the world, which also shows that the war has not given us the attention of China. In fact, it is the opposite."

In addition, this year, Germany, who took over the G7 chairman, also invited some meetings of Argentina, India, Indonesia, Senegal and South Africa to participate in the summit.

It is expected that NATO leaders will approve a new strategic concept at the meeting to respond to the threats brought by Russia and involve China for the first time.