(Washington Comprehensive) The United States Senate agreed the day before yesterday, it quickly promoted a gun control bill to be drafted by the Republican and Democratic members of the Democratic Party.If everything goes well, the bill is expected to be sent to President Biden to sign and implement it next week.

A cross -party group of the Senate reached a consensus on strengthening the legislative framework of gun control this month, and announced relevant legal text the day before yesterday.The Senate approved the promotion of this bill with 64 votes and 34 votes on the same day.


The content of the bill includes supporting the implementation of the "Red Flag Law" in various state governments, confiscation of firearms that may constitute a dangerous person for themselves or others, conduct stricter criminal background investigations on firearms under 21 years of age, funding funding for psychological health projects, strengthening campus on campusSafety and so on.

Although the bill has not been included in the Democratic Party and Biden's many suggestions, such as the banned semi -automatic assault rifle, increased the age purchase age from 18 to 21, etc., Democratic Senator Murphy who negotiated with the Republican Party, describedThis will still be the most important gun control bill passed by Congress in the past 30 years.

Murphy told the Senate before the bill was proposed: "This is a breakthrough. More importantly, this is a breakthrough in the two parties."

Republican Senator Konon said: "We know, there is no perfect legislation ... but we must try it. I think this bill is a step in the correct direction."

Senator group who submitted the bill stated that he had confidence in the voting of the two houses through the two hospitals.The Senate is expected to send this bill to the House of Representatives before the meeting next week.The House of Representatives may work overtime during the weekend or rest, so that the bill will be handed over to President Biden to sign the implementation next week.

The two parties currently account for 50 seats in the Senate, and at least 60 votes are required to pass the bill. In the procedural voting the day before yesterday, 14 Republican Senators in favor of the promotion bill.The House of Representatives was controlled by the Democratic Party.

The American Rifle Association has stated that it is opposed to the bill saying it may be used to restrict legal firearms.

Because the association has a strong political influence, this may affect Republican members' views on the bill.