(Paris Composite Electric) French President Macron held talks on Tuesday, and many political party leaders, including the extremely right -wing leader Le Pen, to try to get rid of the political deadlock produced by the National Parliament.The potential "king" Republican Party has ruled out the possibility of joining the governing alliance, and some other opposition parties have also stated that Macron must change their arrogant style and strive for their support for individual bills.

Macron met with many political parties in the Palace of Alice on Tuesday and Wednesday. The first is Republican leader Jacob.The Republican Party is a traditional right party. Although the momentum is not as good as before, it still won 61 seats in this election.

Macron also met with the Socialist leader Form, the leader of the Communist Party, Russell, and Le Pen, the leader of the National Alliance.The Socialist Party and the Communist Party are members of the left -wing league led by French leader Mei Langxiong. This alliance has won 131 seats and became the largest league in the Parliament.

Jacob revealed after the meeting that Macron did not ask the Republican Party to join the ruling alliance and reiterated that the Republican Party would continue to play the role of opposition.He said: "Voters are selected for us, not to let us join any form of alliances. We cannot betray our voters."

If the ruling alliance cannot control over half of the seats, Macron will have to negotiate with the opposition party for each bill.Jacob may support Macron's open attitude towards individual legislation, saying that it depends on whether Macron listened to their opinions.

Form said that the Socialist Party may support specific proposals such as raising minimum wages.He pointed out that after losing the majority of the parliament, Macron will be forced to negotiate and seek consensus.

Macron's intermediate alliance won 245 seats in the National Parliament election ended on Sunday, and it was absolutely 44th.The Le Pen and Melangxiong camps have a great leap forward, becoming a force that cannot be ignored in the new parliament.

Le Pen said on Monday that the National Alliance will require the Council Finance Committee in accordance with the practice.In response to the media, France has become "irreplaceable", she said: "This country is not irresistible, but it will not be governed in the way Macron hope."

Meilangxiong plans to discuss the motion of not trusting Prime Minister Bolne next month

Melangxiong plans to propose a motion of disbelief in Prime Minister Borne in early July.The Elysee Palace said on Tuesday that Borne had made a resignation, but Macron did not accept it.Macron believes that the current government must maintain operation and seek a constructive plan to crack political dilemma.