(London Composite Electric) Russia expressed strong protests to the Lithuania of the Baltic nation on Monday Lithuania, and warned Russia to fight back.The European Union said that Lithuania was part of the EU sanctions, not unilateral sanctions referred to by Russia.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Monday that Lithuania prohibit most of the domestic railway from transporting most of the goods to Kaliningrad.Russia refers to Lithuania's move as a "public hostility" behavior that violates international legal obligations, especially the joint statement signed by Russia and the European Union on the transit issues between Kalinenrad and other territories of the Federation of Russia.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "If the transportation between the goods between the Lithuania and the Russian Federation in the near future has not fully recovered, Russia reserves the right to take action to safeguard national interests."

Russia summoned Lithuania's interim in Russia on Monday and expressed strong protests on the ban.The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said on the same day: "The situation is very serious. This decision is unprecedented and violated everything." He said that Russia will see this as part of the blockade of Russia and will be formulated after in -depth analysis of the situation.Responses.

Kaliningrad's population is about 500,000, which is a flying place for Russia on the Baltic coast and the headquarters of the Russian Baltic Fleet.Here we borders Poland and Lithuania, about 1,300 kilometers from Moscow, and the import of goods depends mainly on railways.

According to media reports, the Lithuanian railway transportation department notified the Galin Grade railway department on June 17 to provide transit services for Russia's commodities that were included in the EU's sanction list by Russia from Russia from the 18th.This ban covers 40%to 50%of the types of cargo transportation between Galinnrada and Russia, including building materials, cement, and metal.

After the news came out, Calinen Granda appeared panic purchases on weekends.Kalinen Grald is transporting goods to the sea. The cost is higher and the required time is long.

Lithuania Foreign Minister Langzbelgis emphasized on Monday that Lithuania only follows EU sanctions.He said: "This is not the action of Lithuania, but the EU sanctions that have taken effect from June 17."