If you cannot set up most 289 governments, Macron will be forced to negotiate for each legislation and objection, and it is very difficult to pass the bill.The media even described that France has become "unable to control".

(Paris Composite Electric) French media analysis, French presidential election winners generally take advantage of the majority of parliamentary seats. The loss of failure in the Macron camp in the National Parliament election on Sunday is an exception of "inconsistent logic", indicating that his second oneThe five -year term will be around.The general election also completely broke the traditional pattern of two left and right parties in turns to govern, forming the three major political segments of "two extreme surrounds".

France and Guang Chinese website pointed out that when Macron was elected president for the first time in 2017, it started the process of fragmentation of the traditional party.At that time, Macron United Socialist and Right -wing political parties successfully entered the Elysee Palace.Under this strategic leadership, the two major party and social parties and the Republican Party were marginalized, and the extreme forces of the left and right are growing.

In this election, the Socialist Party, the Green Party, and the French Communist Party rarely joined forces with the extremely left party led by Melangxiong, and finally won 131 seats, becoming the largest opposition party alliance in the parliament;The National Alliance has also achieved the best performance, winning 89 seats.

Under the two extreme pinching of the political spectrum, although Macron's intermediate faction retains the status of the largest party and league membership of the parliament, it only won 245 seats and lost the absolute majority advantage.The right -wing Republican party maintains 61 seats, which is the potential king of the Macron camp seeking to win.

If you cannot set up a majority government with at least 289 seats, Macron will be forced to negotiate for each legislation with the opposition, which is very difficult to pass the bill.The Parisian and Fergaro even described that France has become "unable to control".

As the Russian and Ukraine War continued, Macron seemed to have a greater actions in the diplomatic field, but the result of this election made him have to invest more energy to deal with domestic affairs.The French government's bill of strengthening the purchasing power of the people was expected to submit the parliament discussion in August. This is the first severe test facing Macron after the election.

In the past five years, Macron's support rate has continued to decline. French people have held protests on issues such as the reform plan of his pension system, the way of responding to crown disease, and intensified social inequality.

The French political expert of the Mengtian Research Institute, Thomas -Daboyis, pointed out that Macron could not expect extremely right or extremely left -wing support, and the two parties will basically oppose every proposal from the government.However, Macron may still get enough support on specific issues, such as the Republican party's position in improving the retirement age is similar to him.

If the opposition does not cooperate, Macron may quote Article 49.3 of the Constitution to bypass the Parliament to force the new law, but this right can only be exercised once in each round of the parliament and may be overturned.

On the other hand, although Melangxiong's left -wing league has lowered the differences and teamed up to prevent Macron from controlling the parliament, it is not easy to continue to maintain unity.Agence France -Presse pointed out that the Green Party and the Socialist Party may not be on the same line as unyielding France on all issues.

Galinus, a historian who studies French politics, believes that the results of the election may also be a good thing for Macron."This may force Macron to negotiate and get rid of his self -centered governing style that he has established in 2017."