Asian issue expert Lambert is the highest policy official to China in the United State
Asian issue expert Lambert is the highest policy official to China in the United State
(Washington Reuters) The US Biden government appointed senior diplomat Mark Lambert as the highest policies to China.The problem is in a tension. The US State Department issued a statement on Friday (September 29) that Lambert will be the D...
2023-11-02 16:43:20
Hard Division Republican Republican Republican members do not support the bill of US g
Hard Division Republican Republican Republican members do not support the bill of US g
(Washington Composite Television) The US hardliners Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican member of the United States rejected the temporary expenditure bill proposed by the party leaders, w...
2023-11-02 16:43:18
Putin appointed retired soldiers to lead Russia for war
Putin appointed retired soldiers to lead Russia for war
(Moscow Composite Electric) Russian President Putin appointed former senior commander of Wagner Andre Troshev, leading Russian militia to fight in Ukraine.This is one month after the death of the Russian mercenary organization Wagner's lead...
2023-11-02 16:43:15
<b>British Defense: Ying hopes to deploy military trainers in Ukraine</b>
British Defense: Ying hopes to deploy military trainers in Ukraine
The British Department of Defense Changshapus said that in addition to training Ukraine soldiers in the UK or other Western countries, the British government also hopes to deploy military instructors in Ukraine. Comprehensive British Guardi...
2023-11-02 16:43:13
New York City Storms in New York City Promoting Emergency Order
New York City Storms in New York City Promoting Emergency Order
(New York Composite Electric) The storm swept the coastal areas in the northeast of the United States, bringing heavy rainfall to New York City and surrounding areas, and causing floods, resulting in the closure of subway lines and the main...
2023-11-02 16:43:11
<b>News: Japan's official plan seeks the court to dissolve the unified church</b>
News: Japan's official plan seeks the court to dissolve the unified church
(Tokyo Comprehensive News) Sources revealed that the Japanese government intends to seek the court to order the unified church of religious groups.The Japanese government had previously conducted several months of investigations on the unif...
2023-11-02 16:43:08
Germany Foreign Minister urges to reduce dependence on China and not ignore China'
Germany Foreign Minister urges to reduce dependence on China and not ignore China'
(Berlin Comprehensive News) Germany Foreign Minister Berbek pointed out that Germany should not be seen by China's recent development and changes, and the government has to formulate a Chinese strategy to reduce risks and reduce dependence...
2023-11-02 14:03:43
The United States appointed Asian issue expert Lambert as the highest policies to Chin
The United States appointed Asian issue expert Lambert as the highest policies to Chin
The Bayeng government in the United States appointed senior diplomats on Friday (September 29), Mark Langbert, as the highest policy official to China. Reuters reports that Mark Lambert will be the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in cha...
2023-11-02 14:03:41
China and the United States pave the way to the Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng or visi
China and the United States pave the way to the Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng or visi
(Washington Composite Electric) The American media quoted people familiar with the matter that Beijing and Washington are paving the way for Chinese officials. The two parties are discussing the visit of the US Vice Premier He Lifeng's visi...
2023-11-02 14:03:39
<b>American Council: China has invested huge investment to spread fake information to the</b>
American Council: China has invested huge investment to spread fake information to the
(Washington Composite Electric) The State Department warns that China is investing huge sums of funds to spread false information around the world, saying that freedom of speech at all over the world is facing the danger of "sharp contracti...
2023-11-02 14:03:36
Increase war investment in Russia to expand nearly 70 % of defense expenses next year
Increase war investment in Russia to expand nearly 70 % of defense expenses next year
(Moscow Comprehensive) Russia plans to expand nearly 70%of defense expenses next year, and put a lot of resources into the Ukrainian war in order to deal with the "hybrid war" launched by the West.At the same time, Ukraine said it was ready...
2023-11-02 14:03:34
<b>Biden warned: Trump's words and deeds endangers American democracy</b>
Biden warned: Trump's words and deeds endangers American democracy
(Arizona Composite Television) The former President Trump, a US President Bayen, who sought re -elected, said that the "extremist movement" led by Trump will undermine national institutions and endanger American democracy. Bynden delivered...
2023-11-02 14:03:31
<b>Wall Street Journal: Beijing and Washington are paving the way for Xi Jinping's v</b>
Wall Street Journal: Beijing and Washington are paving the way for Xi Jinping's v
People familiar with the matter said that Beijing and Washington are promoting official exchanges between the two sides and adopting other measures to improve the turbulent relationship between the United States and China to pave the way fo...
2023-11-02 14:03:29
<b>President of East Timor: I have never discussed military cooperation with China</b>
President of East Timor: I have never discussed military cooperation with China
East Timor President Ramos -Olta said that East Timor "never" discussed military cooperation with China. He also said that Australia and Indonesia can "have no worry" because East Timor will not become a hidden safety hazard in its neighbor...
2023-11-02 14:03:26
<b>US Senate: China hackers steal 60,000 emails for 10 accounts of the US State Council</b>
US Senate: China hackers steal 60,000 emails for 10 accounts of the US State Council
(Washington Composite Electric) The United States accused Chinese hackers' email platforms invading Microsoft earlier this year and stole 60,000 emails from 10 accounts in the US State Department.American and Japanese officials also warned...
2023-11-02 14:03:24