Yang Hansen: From excellence to mediocrity, only one step away
Yang Hansen: From excellence to mediocrity, only one step away
The election every five years reminds that the ruling party must be careful to control the country to take care of the people, and also reminds that every citizen must understand that the small country must not "replace people to do" trial...
2024-06-22 06:52:04
Chen Wenping: "Li Guangyao's Spirit" is a classic work
——IS Singapore still exi
Chen Wenping: "Li Guangyao's Spirit" is a classic work ——IS Singapore still exi
Singapore's achievements are not taken for granted, but the founder of the founder of the founding of the country to overcome difficulties, throughout the hardships, suffer hardships, not fear of danger, foresight, maintaining ethnic harmon...
2024-06-22 06:52:00
He Qinglian: Political signal released by the Lone Star Action of Dezhou
He Qinglian: Political signal released by the Lone Star Action of Dezhou
What are the important political signals released by the Dollar Star Action?Of course not the beginning of the American civil war.Prior to the 2024 election, instead of saying that it was like the Civil War, it was better to be more like th...
2024-06-22 06:51:57
Li Yanzhou: Why dare to conflict with the United States and Britain?
Li Yanzhou: Why dare to conflict with the United States and Britain?
Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency Author: Li Yanzhou The Red Sea crisis continues to spread.After the outbreak of Pakistani conflicts in October last year, the Massache Armed Forces and the United States and Britain repeatedly had mil...
2024-06-22 06:51:54
Comment: Li Kaifu talks about artificial intelligence -Rongye artificial intelligence
Comment: Li Kaifu talks about artificial intelligence -Rongye artificial intelligence
From AlphaGo, a robot to play a chess robot to ChatGPT, the distance between AI is getting closer and closer. In the next year to five years, what major development and changes will this field have? Li Kaifu, an international well -known AI...
2024-06-22 06:51:51
Comment: Huaye Group thanked Huang Zuyao's outstanding contributions in the past
Comment: Huaye Group thanked Huang Zuyao's outstanding contributions in the past
The Board of the Huaye Group (UOL) thanked Huang Zuyao, the late chairman of the past 50 years, and his leadership of the group. Huaye Group issued a statement on Sunday (February 4), expressed deep condolences to Huang Zuyao's death, and s...
2024-06-22 06:51:47
Comments: 800 people participated in the "Permanent Resident Journey" test plan sim
Comments: 800 people participated in the "Permanent Resident Journey" test plan sim
The government launched the "The PR Journey" test plan on January 25 this year, selecting some who have just obtained the permanent resident rights of Singapore, arranged for them to complete the online course of Singapore culture and life,...
2024-06-22 06:51:44
Comment: Five people co -system to control the sword and hold the youth to be awarded
Comment: Five people co -system to control the sword and hold the youth to be awarded
I was worried that the youth holding the knife would hurt the children in the park. The bicycle knights were injured with the four -person force and successfully made the opponent on the ground outside the apartment. Three public Sunday (Fe...
2024-06-22 04:12:07
Comments: Chao'an Club Middle Group in April to the 60th anniversary of Chaozhou
Comments: Chao'an Club Middle Group in April to the 60th anniversary of Chaozhou
Chao'an Club to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the three large -scale events.The Jimen City Tower will hold a large anniversary celebration, which will also make a Lantern Festival in the local Yuehai Qing Temple, and plans to hold a car...
2024-06-22 04:12:04
Premier Li: Huang Zuyao is a local banking Thai Dou
Premier Li: Huang Zuyao is a local banking Thai Dou
Huang Zuyao, who is at the helm of Dahua Bank for more than half a century, is the local banking industry.Premier Li Xianlong was deeply sad to the death of Huang Zuyao and praised his significant contributions to the community, especially...
2024-06-22 04:12:00
Tan Haojun: Trump is aggressive.
Tan Haojun: Trump is aggressive.
The main reason for the withdrawal of De Santis was that in the first preliminary election of the Evan Republican Party on the 15th, the vote rate was only 21%, and about 30 percentage points behind Trump.The third -ranking US resident repr...
2024-06-22 04:11:57
Comment: The general election in 2024 may become a turning point in the United States.
Comment: The general election in 2024 may become a turning point in the United States.
The World Newspaper Industry Cindica website published on February 1st entitled the great and declining articles in the United States.Article excerpts as follows: If Donald Trump wins in November and returns to the White House, this year ma...
2024-06-22 04:11:55
Comment: Chinese funds with a record of sunrise in the west are poured into foreign st
Comment: Chinese funds with a record of sunrise in the west are poured into foreign st
Source: Bloomberg Investors who are frustrating to the local stock market are looking for a way out, and Chinese funds with a record scale are flowing to overseas stocks. In January, 33 domestic exchanges trading funds (ETFs), which tracked...
2024-06-22 04:11:52
Live report: They are the closest Singaporeans from space dreams
Live report: They are the closest Singaporeans from space dreams
Can the moon live?Is there a border in space?These are questions many people have since childhood, and then look up at the night sky with full enthusiasm and curiosity, fantasizing how to explore the sea of ​​stars.But when most people...
2024-06-22 04:11:49
Education industry: Huang Zuyao enthusiastically supports education.
Education industry: Huang Zuyao enthusiastically supports education.
Huang Zuyao has been committed to supporting the career of people over the years, and educators he have contacted with him have felt his concern for education.Even if he is old, he still hosted the school director meeting to pay attention t...
2024-06-22 04:11:45