The epidemic is dangerous and scattered the "miracle" of the US stock market.
The epidemic is dangerous and scattered the "miracle" of the US stock market.
The Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency commented that the 2019 coronary virus disease epidemic spread in many countries, and the first case of unknown infection in the United States appeared in the United States.The US election was held at the end o...
2023-09-17 09:17:24
Global epidemic extension black swan effect expansion
Global epidemic extension black swan effect expansion
The Taiwan Economic Daily's article pointed out that since the two months of the outbreak of the coronary virus epidemic, not only has no sign of slowing down, but it has a tendency to expand global.As the number of diagnosis in mainland Ch...
2023-09-17 08:57:44
<b>Studies: Discover and tracking methods Started defects and are difficult to curb</b>
Studies: Discover and tracking methods Started defects and are difficult to curb
● Crown disease 19 epidemic Experts believe that with cases of more and more countries, the strategy of trying to prevent virus transmission will become increasingly inevitable.At a certain stage, health authorities in various countries m...
2023-09-17 08:57:41
Zhong Nanshan: Whether the discharged patient Fuyang is contagious and worth paying at
Zhong Nanshan: Whether the discharged patient Fuyang is contagious and worth paying at
When he returned home at the beginning of the serious illness, the test of the virus nucleic acid was found again. The recovery of the Fuyang in various places, and the cunning new coronal virus brought new questions to the epidemic prevent...
2023-09-17 08:57:38
Japan's anti -epidemic or ordering scholars criticize "not doing well"
Japan's anti -epidemic or ordering scholars criticize "not doing well"
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suddenly announced yesterday (27th) that in order to curb new measures for the spread of new coronary virus pneumonia (COVID-19), it is required to suspend classes from primary and secondary schools and ot...
2023-09-17 08:57:36
Li Wo Wall: Renminbi and epidemic shake
Li Wo Wall: Renminbi and epidemic shake
Author: Lee Wo Wall The crown disease has a slowdown in mainland China, but the neighboring South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Europe in Italy and the Middle East Iran have out of control, and the global economic growth has once again cover...
2023-09-17 08:57:33
Liu Zhen: Conspiracy theory in the crown disease epidemic
Liu Zhen: Conspiracy theory in the crown disease epidemic
Current affairs perspective In this long holiday of the Spring Festival, which was profoundly affected by the 2019 coronary virus disease, sometimes panicked, sometimes sad, sometimes distressed, and sometimes magical. Sometimes I heard whi...
2023-09-17 08:57:31
Ji Yan: Settlement of Globalization: Diamond Princess Number
Ji Yan: Settlement of Globalization: Diamond Princess Number
Hot topic Human history is always accompanied by plague, whether it is the ancient memory recorded in history books, or almost destroying the black death of European civilization in the Middle Ages, and the influenza virus that killed tens...
2023-09-17 08:57:29
Song Zhongping: Moderate decoupling between China and the United States is not terribl
Song Zhongping: Moderate decoupling between China and the United States is not terribl
Song Zhongping Both China and the United States are major global countries with important influence, while the two countries have two benefits and two injuries.As long as China and the United States are willing to respect the core interests...
2023-09-17 08:57:27
<b>Chen Maobo: The epidemic will not cause a cliff -like decline in the Hong Kong buildin</b>
Chen Maobo: The epidemic will not cause a cliff -like decline in the Hong Kong buildin
Chen Maobo, the director of the Financial Secretary, emphasized that the Hong Kong government will dynamically evaluate the property market, considering the ability to undertake ability and the supply of the property market, and will not dr...
2023-09-17 08:57:24
<b>Zhong Nanshan View: China may change from output to input case</b>
Zhong Nanshan View: China may change from output to input case
On the morning of February 27th, the Guangzhou News Office held a special news ventilation meeting for epidemic prevention and control at the National Key Laboratory of the National Key Laboratory of the National High School of Respiratory...
2023-09-17 08:57:22
Popularity of Epidemic Prevention and Frequent Popularity Italian Falling Falls quickl
Popularity of Epidemic Prevention and Frequent Popularity Italian Falling Falls quickl
The accurate diagnosis of the new type of coronary virus pneumonia in Italy increased sharply within a week. WHO said that the cause of the rapid increase in local epidemic was a mystery.However, the Central News Agency's analysis believes...
2023-09-17 08:37:43
Hong Kong's special affairs special offices specially shall save the stream from
Hong Kong's special affairs special offices specially shall save the stream from
Ming Pao News Agency The new budget sprinkled a lot of money, and launched 120 billion yuan per time, including paying 10,000 yuan to the 18 -year -old or more permanent resident of Hong Kong. It is expected to be distributed in August.The...
2023-09-17 08:37:40
Taking the health of the believers, don't bother Mazu
Taking the health of the believers, don't bother Mazu
Taiwan United Daily News Agency In March, Mazu, tens of thousands of believers, Dajia Mazu and Baishatun Mazu around the Twenty -one Township and Township and Township, or whether to be held as usual, have become an epidemic and defense war...
2023-09-17 08:37:38
From the US factory, the demographic dividend of Mainland China
From the US factory, the demographic dividend of Mainland China
Economic Daily News The high -ground production company invested by former US President Barack Barack Barack Barack Obama and his wife, launched the first American factory, won the 92nd Oscar Gold Award for Best Documentary.This documentary...
2023-09-17 08:37:36