Author: Lu Zhixiang

Medical and public health facilities in the United States, which are the most none of the newly affected areas of New Crown Pneumonia.Trump ’s leadership style and crisis treatment have exposed unbelver scientists and experts, transforming epidemic prevention into cultural war, rejection of mistakes, adhering to self -interests, and all serious defects such as self -interest, personal political future.Whether to continue to follow the United States that considers the narrowing interests is a subject that Taiwan decision makers must think deeply.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the United States may become a new epicenter of the global new crown pneumonia, but President Trump hopes that Americans can return to work before Easter (April 12).This is a typical bold, reckless and dangerous style of Trump, deliberately diluted the severity of new crown pneumonia and the harm caused by it; after nearly 70,000 people confirmed, after the death of thousands of people, Trump's main consideration is the economy because the main considerations of Trump are the economy, because the economy is because the economy is because the economy is the economy, because the economy is because the economy is because the economy is the economy.This is the lifeline he can re -elected.

Governor Guo Mo, Governor of New York, said: If you ask the American people to choose public health or economy, it is inevitable.Without the American people, they will agree to sacrifice their lives to accelerate the economy.Microsoft founder Bill Gates responded that the United States has missed the opportunity to control the new crown pneumonia without locking the country. It can no longer escape the fate of the city. The United States should block at least 6 to 10 weeks.Fo Xi, director of the Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, said low -key that Trump's time limit should be elastic.

In 2003, SARS and the Ipora virus in 2014, the United States did overcome the challenges, including major countries, including mainland China, and many people expect to establish a model of modern diplomatic cooperation together against climate change and infectious diseases.However, in the new crown pneumonia, only the Trump administration criticized the hidden epidemic in mainland China, complaining that European countries could not be surrounded by infection, but lacked an attempt to show humanitarian care and bear the responsibility of leadership.Although the United States is still the strongest country in the world, it is foreseeable that during the post -new crown pneumonia, the US international reputation slipped is inevitable.

Limited by the strategic thinking of power competition, in order to shift the focus, shirk responsibility, or attempt to focus on the right to speak, Trump will threaten human lives and the popularity of economic warfare that causes economic collapse to be a cultural war.Virus and other words point the spear head to China.However, excessive political operations have even incited discrimination and exclusion of the global Asian ethnic groups, causing widespread dislike of Americans.The New York Times recently published the "Calling Virus" the editorial, calling on the Trump administration to face the problems brought by the discrimination and prejudice vocabulary.

Trump himself said that he no longer uses Chinese viruses, but he still allows US Secretary of State Pompeo and the National Security Council to continue to speculate on the new crown virus. Pompeo even insisted on incorporatingThe new crown virus was unanimously opposed by the other six countries, and the joint statement was dead.All these show that the United States still faces the largest public health crisis of human beings since the traditional geopolitical perspective, and has even hit with international mainstream.

The international political authority has a lot of pity for the gold opportunities of the United States and China that failed to grasp the new crown pneumonia. It is difficult for mainland China to conceal the epidemic in mainland China.Just guarantee greater damage.Taiwan can effectively curb infection and win international praise, but the face of the new crown pneumonia on both sides of the Taiwan Strait seems to have repeated the mistakes of the United States and China.Faced with unpredictable viruses, the only one on both sides of the strait donate political differences and suspicion, and to replace confrontation with cooperation is the only solution.

(The author is senior media person)