01 Viewpoint

When a major crisis in the country appears, it is the moment of political leaders.In 2001, the 9.11 terrorist attack shocked the world. At that time, the mayor of New York Mayor Juliani appeared at the scene of the World Trade Incident to assist in rescue work, and made many inspirational remarks led the city to get out of the haze, which made his people rise sharply.%Support, won the reputation of the media for the media.Nineteen years later, another wave of crisis invaded New York. New York State became the worst epidemic in the 50th state in the United States. The confirmed cases exceeded 30,000, and the number of deaths had also exceeded 100.Faced with such a severe crisis, Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, took the initiative to actively take measures to suppress the spread of the epidemic.The important face of the field resistance war.

Most political leaders have rebounded in this epidemic, and even the chief executive of Hong Kong, Zheng Yue'e, also stopped falling.The Wen Zaiyin government, who was actively tested by the people in the anti -epidemic, was praised by overseas, and the people's hope rose to 52.5%of the 14 -month high;, Set a new high of ten years; British Prime Minister, the British Prime Minister, who had been resistant to the public opinion of the Buddha's resistance, has risen five percentage to 52%after actively acting.EssenceAs for the once -fading epidemic, and constantly bragging about their ability to understand the epidemic, Trump, who has been bombarded by liberals because of Chinese virus remarks, has also risen to 49%of the new high since he took office, and 50%of the 50%of the highest high, and 50%of the 50%of the highest.Many people agree with their resistance.

Trump people look at Xiaoyangchun

The effect of supporting leaders during a major crisis in the country is common in history. Among them, the most named example was 9.11, the President of the United States President Bush, which once soared to 92%, which maintained more than 80%for nearly four months.This time Trump obviously thanks to the psychology of seeking leadership when the people are in panic, but compared to the high public hope of Xiaopu in 2001, Trump's growth is obviously less than that.This is undoubtedly because Trump itself is extremely controversial. He has been attacked by liberal media for two years, and he is hated by Democratic voters.Trump continued to dilute the incident in the early stages of the epidemic, criticizing that liberal media and Democrats did not need to panic. It aims to drag the government and despise the seriousness of the epidemic, which will cause the test box supply and medical equipment to be seriously insufficient, soThe epidemic is out of control.

Xiao Yangchun, the people's hope of the people of Trump, may represent the emotional reflection of the people. When the epidemic eases the accountability of the people, and the economic recession is irreversible. When the national plan is in difficulty, the support can continue to be doubtful.Trump's main opponent Biden had almost no shadow in this epidemic, and also revealed that Trump presided over the overall situation at least in the White House.After Biden's victory two weeks ago, he almost disappeared from the public vision.Its team spent a week built a video plant in the basement at home. It produced two short films for Biden, but the content was empty. It did not propose any substantial policy details to save the economy.EssenceCompared with its primary opponent Sanders, Sanders was broadcast live almost the next day, throwing out many anti -economic measures, or in 2008, Obama held a forum with economic experts many times during the campaign to discuss the time of rapid deterioration at the time.Deng Du was compared.

Komo was called the two parties in the opposition and the opposition

To this end, even the liberal media have been in high worship, and although a comment article on the Atlantic Ocean survives, Biden is a defense of Biden, stating that the only task of the Democratic Party is to defeat Trump, and there is no need to need Biden Denden.Anyone outside the flesh, but this statement is reflected in the face of the country's major crisis, and the expectations of Biden's leadership ability are already low.Democratic leaders who disappeared in Biden, Pelosi and Shu Mozan in Washington, at this moment, the Democratic leader who continued to appear under the national magnesium was actually New York Governor Komo.From the beginning, he held a press conference daily to provide the latest epidemic information for the people of New York State, and decisively sealed the state, constantly trying to inspire people's hearts, and the leadership style was bright.When Trump attempted to catch up with the Easter and resumed work, Komo also refuted that he would not survive the economy with economy, sacrificing less than 1 to 2%of New Yorkers, and rebuked the Senate Republicans to inject 5 billion yuan in large enterprises to save the market for benefits to benefit for benefits to benefit for benefits to benefit., Still hold the banner of moral leaders in the crisis.

Komo's resistance work was called on the two parties and the opposite parties.Trump said that Komo performed well as herself, and Juliani also said that Komo had risen to politician levels.Democratic support, also known as the leader in the crisis, has also launched a call for Koko to become a presidential candidate.As the major public crisis of the disease epidemic, it is critical and organic for politicians.Not only is Lin Zhengyue reported that he wants to use resistance to the epidemic, but also leaders of various countries have the opportunity to turn in danger and embark on a new political ladder.However, this requires not only the political makeup and language art of a moment, but also to show the leadership of the crisis to the people.