Qiao Xinsheng

The International Olympic Committee and the Organizing Committee of the Tokyo Olympic Games jointly issued a statement on March 24. In view of the current spread of major epidemics, the 32nd Olympic Games in Tokyo must be postponed until 2020, but not late in the summer of 2021.

This marks whether the discussion of the Tokyo Olympics is delayed.Earlier analysis was that the Tokyo Olympics may be canceled or delayed.Although the spread of domestic virus in Japan is not obvious, if athletes from all over the world enter Tokyo, they will bring huge pressure on Tokyo to prevent pressure from virus; coupled with the swarming of audiences from various countries, Japan may have a major epidemic.

Earlier, Japanese Prime Minister Angjin 3 has hinted many times that if a Olympic Games without audiences has no meaning in the slightest.This highlights Japan's hopes to obtain business benefits through the Olympic Games.In order to organize the Olympics, Japan has paid a very high price. If it is completely canceled, Japan will suffer huge losses.Therefore, weighing the advantages and disadvantages and delaying the holding of the Eastern Olympics may be the best choice.

Exhaust East Olympics or liability for compensation

Even so, the Japanese government must consider delaying losses caused by the Olympic Games.From the current situation, Japan has built a large number of venues in order to host the Olympics; in order to receive athletes, a large number of apartments have been built.These venues and apartments have been rented or sold to private enterprises. If the Tokyo Olympic Games Organizing Committee cannot deliver real estate on schedule, it may have to be liable for compensation.

The reason why the Organizing Committee of the Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan is unwilling to postpone the Olympic Games after 2021 because it involves not only the issue of international competitions for the International Olympic Committee, but also the contract performance signed by the Tokyo Olympic Games Organizing Committee.If the Olympic Games is held before the summer of 2021, the organizing committee can deliver the athlete's apartment to private owners after the Olympic Games, and will not bear the liability for breach of contract.

Of course, if the organizing committee does a good job and allows owners to agree to extend the delivery of real estate, the economic pressure it faces may be greatly reduced.As the organizing committee has signed a contract and decided to sell the athletes built to private people, the Eastern Olympic Games was postponed, and the Japanese government may have to bear part of the loss.

The author believes that for developed countries, holding international large -scale competitions such as the Olympic Games is purely a business perspective, and can get broadcast revenue, attract athletes from various countries, and increase the image of the city.For cities, the Olympic Games may drive economic growth.

However, after the Olympic Games held the Olympic Games in Greece, the organizing committee was seriously losing money due to the unable to effectively use stadiums.

Vietnam has applied for hosting the Asian Games in 2019, but considering that huge investment may make Vietnam's entry, the government has to submit to the relevant parties to withdraw from the application.The Indonesian capital of Jakarta hosted the Asian Games at a critical moment, so that the Asian Games was successfully held.

It can be seen that for developed countries, holding large sports competitions for business interests; for some developing countries, if the profit and disadvantage of weighing, the large -scale sports meeting will not lose, and the cancellation of international sports competitions may be the right choice.

Of course, for some developing countries, holding a large international sports meeting may have another consideration.In some countries to hold international sports competitions, they increase their international visibility.China's hosting the Asian Games and the Olympic Games is of great practical significance for changing China's international image.In order to host the Asian Games and the Olympic Games, China has built modern venue facilities, which has accelerated the pace of Beijing's infrastructure construction to a certain extent.If developing countries can quantitatively exit, make full use of various resources, and hold international large -scale sports competitions, they can also obtain commercial benefits from it.

But it must be pointed out that not all stadiums have a high usage rate.After the Asian Games and the Olympic Games in Beijing, they tried their best to improve the use rate of sports venues, but from the current situation, some sports venues have not achieved a profit.The maintenance cost of large stadiums is a huge expenditure. If the balance of revenue and expenditure cannot be achieved, large stadiums will gradually be broken, which is not a small loss for developing countries.

International large -scale sports competitions are commercial activities, so problems must be considered from a business perspective.If you only consider issues from a political perspective, a large sports competition will be regarded as cost.

In 2008, whether the Great Earthquake occurred in Sichuan, China, whether China continued to host the Olympic Games has become the focus of attention from the international community.As people have seen, on the one hand, China is vast and a large earthquake in Sichuan has not affected the capital Beijing. Therefore, there is no slightest problem in holding a large sports sports meeting in Beijing.

On the other hand, through the hosting Olympic Games, China shows China's national strength to a certain extent and enhances China's international image.Therefore, the Olympic Games not only did not bring debt burden to China, but instead achieved surplus to a certain extent.

The Olympic Games in Japan, of course, considers issues from a business perspective.Due to the long -term downturn in the Japanese economy, in order to accelerate the economic growth of Tokyo, the Japanese government decided to support Tokyo to hold the Olympic Games.However, the fate is too much, and the Tokyo hosted an Olympic Games encountered an unprecedented major epidemic.If Japan cannot attract tourists from all over the world to watch the competition, some national athletes refuse to participate, and the business significance of Tokyo's Olympic Games will no longer exist.

This is why Abe hopes to be held as scheduled, but after seeing Canada and other countries announced the withdrawal from the Olympic Games, they have to negotiate with the International Olympic Committee to delay the in -depth reasons for the Eastern Olympic Games.

Looking at the large -scale sports competition organized by the International Olympic Committee as a business activity, all problems can be explained clearly.Unfortunately, so far, a few decision makers in China have still regarded the Olympic Games as a political project. It is an unwise award at all costs at all costs.

Implement the spirit of the market economy

The Olympic Games has long been commercialized. If it conforms to the trend of the times and is organized in accordance with business logic, it is possible to obtain commercial interests.Conversely, if it is not hosted in accordance with the laws of the market economy, it will inevitably hurt the people.

In some cities in China, large -scale international sports meetings are to show the national economic strength and blindly pursue world -class. It not only provides free accommodation for athletes in various countries, but also provides free services for athletes of athletes in various countries.This is an extremely irresponsible approach.

As some scholars say in private, if Wuhan holds the World Military Sports Games, some national athletes carry viruses into Wuhan, which will lead to a major epidemic in Wuhan. Wuhan will hold the most expensive world military sports sports meeting in history.Of course, such guessing does not make sense, but it is certain that if the sports meeting is not for business benefits, but a few officials are very happy and deliberately create Wanbang to come to the scene.

It is believed that the Japanese government and the Eastern Olympic Organizing Committee will propose a decision to the International Olympic Committee after business calculations.This decision involves a series of economic issues. The chairman of the International Olympic Committee may go to Japan to carefully negotiate with officials of the organizing committee. On the basis of risk burden, it reaches an agreement.

On the issue of hosting the Olympic Games, the Japanese government and what they do with the control of major epidemics have made people fully realize that the Japanese and opposition to fully implement the spirit of the market economy and have a careful calculation in dealing with major affairs.Although Japan did not take the closed cities and did not let the urban residents be separated by themselves, it was not serious through strengthening virus testing to ensure that the proliferation of Japanese virus was not serious.The pragmatic attitude of the Japanese government fully reflects the development of scientific decisions and democratic decision -making on developed market economy countries in developed market economy countries.

Regardless of whether the Eastern Olympic Organizing Committee can eventually solve the problem of hosting the financial losses of the Olympic Games, as long as the diligence and frugality and various measures to solve the problems brought by the Olympic extension, the Japanese government will definitely benefit from it.

In the final analysis, it is difficult for the Olympic Games to attract small and medium -sized countries for bidding, because organizing the Olympic Games is a hugeEngineering, if there is no enough financial support and no business capabilities, the government may invest water.

The choice made by the Eastern Olympic Organizing Committee is no doubt that it is painful, but if it is held as scheduled, the stands are overwhelming, and it will not attract tourists from all countries. Athletes from some countries refuse to participate. What is the significance of being held as scheduled?The postponement is the active and pragmatic performance of the Japanese government.I sincerely wish that Japan would think that it would be profitable after delaying the Olympic Games.

The author is the director of the China Human Rights Research Association

Professor of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

The choice made by the Eastern Olympic Organizing Committee is no doubt that it is painful, but if it is held as scheduled, the stands are overwhelming, and it will not attract tourists from all countries. Athletes from some countries refuse to participate. What is the significance of being held as scheduled?The postponement is the active and pragmatic performance of the Japanese government.