<b>Expert: Although the Iraqi Organization acknowledged the problem of terrorist attacks </b>
Expert: Although the Iraqi Organization acknowledged the problem of terrorist attacks
(Moscow Comprehensive) U.S. officials said that the terrorist attack of the Moscow's suburbs of the Moscow is completely done by the Islamic State Organization and has nothing to do with Ukraine.Russia did not name the Iraqi organization. I...
2024-06-13 10:03:31
Israel actively responds to the eclectic suggestion of the United States to respond to
Israel actively responds to the eclectic suggestion of the United States to respond to
(Jerusalem / Cairo / Gaza Comprehensive Electric) Israel and Hamas's latest round -fire negotiations are in a deadlock, and the two sides have not been able to make breakthroughs on the issue of Israel's hostage to replace Palestinian priso...
2024-06-13 10:03:27
Night Attack Crimea Ukraine hit two Russian landing ships
Night Attack Crimea Ukraine hit two Russian landing ships
(Kiev comprehensive) The Ukrainian army's night attack was annexed by Russia, which hit two large Russian landing ships.Poland has accused Russia of a cruise missile launched in western Ukraine to violate its lead. The Ukrainian Armed Force...
2024-06-13 10:03:24
<b>Indian Foreign Minister: India and China must restore the relationship between the two</b>
Indian Foreign Minister: India and China must restore the relationship between the two
(Singapore News) India and China have recently burst into saliva due to border disputes. Indian Foreign Minister Su Jesheng, who is visiting Singapore, said that it is necessary for India to restore the stability of the border first, so tha...
2024-06-13 10:03:21
Is the Israeli strategy that is difficult to play in Biden's "bear hug"?
Is the Israeli strategy that is difficult to play in Biden's "bear hug"?
U.S. President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Neitahu's differences in the Garronus War are increasingly fierce.Neutanahu claims that only by entering the soldiers and the southern cities of the Saudi Sands can La Fa completely clear the...
2024-06-13 07:23:50
<b>U.S. Army: The Houthi Military Missile Attack Strike Oil Wire</b>
U.S. Army: The Houthi Military Missile Attack Strike Oil Wire
The U.S. Central Command said that the Yemenhase Armed Forces fired a missile on Saturday (March 23) to a tanker operated by China. Bloomberg reported that the U.S. Central Command (Centcom) issued a document on Sunday (24th) on Sunday (24t...
2024-06-13 07:23:47
The Moscow Concert Hall was arrested on the way to Ukrainian
The Moscow Concert Hall was arrested on the way to Ukrainian
(Moscow Composite Electric) A 乌克兰否认同Event related . This is the bloody attack of Russia in 20 years.Moscow time on Friday (March 22) around 8:15 pm (1:15 am on Saturday time on Saturday time), at least four gunmen in fascinating...
2024-06-13 07:23:44
Russian terrorist attacks have increased to 143 people who say that ISIS is full of re
Russian terrorist attacks have increased to 143 people who say that ISIS is full of re
The United States shows that the Islamic State is fully responsible for the Russian Concert Hall's terrorist attack and Ukraine has not participated. Moscow's "Fan Red Flower City Hall" concert hall on Friday (March 22) Extraordinary terror...
2024-06-13 07:23:41
[Ahead of knowing] Why is ISIS-K attacked Russia?
[Ahead of knowing] Why is ISIS-K attacked Russia?
Isis-K what is the organization? ISIS-KHORASAN PROVINCE (ISIS-K or ISKP) is an Afghan branch organized by Iraq.Its name comes from an old name, refers to some areas of Iran, Turkmen and Afghanistan.The organization rose in eastern Afghanist...
2024-06-13 07:23:39
The United States claims that Russia has warned Russia's terrorist risk Russia re
The United States claims that Russia has warned Russia's terrorist risk Russia re
(Moscow/Washington Composite Electric) The United States said that some intelligence confirmed that the Iranian organization was indeed behind the scenes, and said that as early as a few weeks ago, Warning Moscow Local rally may become the...
2024-06-13 07:23:36
The gunman broke into the concert hall to kill people to fire and fighten and trample
The gunman broke into the concert hall to kill people to fire and fighten and trample
(Moscow Composite Electric) According to the witness of the attack on the suburbs of the Moscow, a number of all -armed men fired after entering the concert hall and threw a burning bomb, causing the fire everywhere, and the public fled, ca...
2024-06-13 07:23:32
Singapore strongly condemns the terrorist attack in Moscow
Singapore strongly condemns the terrorist attack in Moscow
Singapore has strongly condemned the "Fan Red Flower City Hall" in Moscow The horror attack The non -necessary itinerary to invite people to postponed to Russia. my country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Saturday (March...
2024-06-13 07:23:29
At the last moment of the US Senate, the Republican Conservatives were dissatisfied wi
At the last moment of the US Senate, the Republican Conservatives were dissatisfied wi
(Washington Composite Electric) The Senate of the United States Congress passed the government appropriation bill in the last moment to avoid the federal government from falling into a stop.However, the Republican House Speaker, Johnson, of...
2024-06-13 07:23:27
Putin refers to the "barbaric" act vowed to punish the attacker severely
Putin refers to the "barbaric" act vowed to punish the attacker severely
Russian President Putin said on Saturday (March 23) that the four gunmen who killed 115 people in the Moscow Concert Hall have been arrested and vowed to severely revenge all those involved in the planning attack. Agence France -Presse quot...
2024-06-13 07:23:23
<b>The Russian Investigation Commission: The deceased of the terrorist attack incident in</b>
The Russian Investigation Commission: The deceased of the terrorist attack incident in
The Russian Investigation Commission said that the deceased of the Moscow's suburbs of the concert hall of Moscow increased to 115.The Ministry of Health of Moscow has previously announced that the terrorist attack killed three children . T...
2024-06-13 04:43:49