Starting from the armed paging machine and walkie -talkie, then turning to a fierce and fatal air strike, Israeli leaders are happy about the progress of the offensive against the Allah.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galland expressed his praise after the air strike on Monday.

"Today is a masterpiece ... This is the worst week since the establishment of the Ozo Party, and the result is self -evident."

Garant said that the air strikes destroyed thousands of rockets that might kill Israeli citizens.Lebanon said that Israel killed more than 550 Lebanon citizens during the air strike, including 50 children.This number is equivalent to half of the number of deaths and injuries in Lebanon during the war of Israel and the Allah in 2006.

Image source, Israel Defense Forces

Israel believes that the violent offensive will force the Allah to do what it wants to do, causing huge pain to the Allah, so that Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Allah,Allies and supporters believe that the cost of resistance is too high.

Israel's politicians and generals need a victory.After nearly a year of war, Gaza has fallen into a quagmire.Hamas soldiers still came out of the tunnel and ruins to kill and harm Israeli soldiers, and still hijacked Israelic hostages.

In October last year, Hamas attacked Israel unexpectedly.The Israelites do not think Hamas is a major threat, which has caused devastating consequences.Lebanon's situation is different.Since the first war in 2006, the Israeli National Defense Forces and Mosad Spy Agency (MOSSAD) have been planning the next war against the Altho.

Prime Minister Benjamin Network, leader of Israel, believes that the current offensive is moving towards the goal he announced, that is, breaking the power balance of the Allah.

He hopes to prevent the Allah from crossing the border to firing rockets to Israel.At the same time, the Israeli military stated that the plan was forced to retreat from the border and destroy the military facilities that threatened Israel.

Another Gaza?

Last week's Lebanon situation reminded people of the Gaza War last year.Israel warned civilians, asking them to evacuate the areas that are about to be attacked, as they did in Gaza.Israel accuses Althism, like Hamas, to use civilians as people's shields.

Some critics and enemies of Israel said that these warnings were too vague and did not give the family enough time to evacuate.The war law requires the protection of civilians, and it is forbidden to use force in regardless of blue and red soap.

The Allah hit some of Israel's attack on civilians and violates the laws designed to protect civilians.They also target the Israeli army.Israel and Western allies, including the United States and Britain, listed Allah as terrorist organizations.

Israel insists that it has a moral army that follows the rules.But many countries in the world have condemned Israel's behavior in Gaza.Breakfast wars in a wider range of places will deepen the difference in polarization.

Take the paging machine attack as an example.Israel said that the target of the attack is the Agent of the Lord of the paging machine.But when the bomb in the paging machine was detonated, Israel could not know where they were, which was the reason why civilians and children were injured and killed at home, shops and other public places.Some famous lawyers said that this proves that Israel does not distinguish between combatants and civilians when using fatal force, and violates the rules of war.

The battle between Israel and the Lord began in the 1980s.But this border war began on the second day Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 last year. At that time, Hassan Nasrola ordered his combatants to start limited the border, but in fact, almost every day, there were.The shells are shot to support Hamas.This is about the Israeli army, forcing about 60,000 people in border towns to leave their homes.

The shadow of the past war

Some sounds of the Israeli media will compare the crackdown of the air strike on the fighting ability of Allah's war in June 1967 and Israel in June 1967 to compare the "focus action" raid launched by Egypt.This was a famous raid. At that time, the Egyptian Air Force aircraft were neatly arranged on the ground, and the Israeli assault destroyed them.In the next six days, Israel defeated Egypt, Syria and Jordan.This victory determines the current conflict, because Israel occupies the west bank of the Jordan River, including East Jerusalem, Gaza Strip and Gelan Highlands.

But this is not a good comparison.The war between Lebanon and the Lord of the Lord is different.Israel's attack caused a heavy blow.But so far, it has not stopped the ability or willingness of Israel to fire Israel.

Israel's previous war with the Ozo Party was hard and consumed, and neither side of the two sides achieved a decisive victory.This time there may be the same ending, no matter how satisfactory the offensive operation last week was for Israel, its intelligence department and the army.

Israel's offense is based on a hypothesis -a gambling -that is, the Allah will eventually collapse, evacuate the border one day, and stop firing Israel.Mosthals of Allah Observer believes that the Allah will not stop attacking, because fighting with Israel is the main reason for the existence of the true party.

This means that Israel is also unwilling to admit failure and must further upgrade the war.If the Allah continues to make northern Israel too dangerous, so that Israeli civilians cannot return home, Israel will have to decide whether to launch a ground offensive, maybe to occupy a land as a buffer area.

Israel had invaded Lebanese before.In 1982, the Israeli army swept Berut, trying to prevent the Palestinians from attacking Israel.But after the Israeli army held the border, their Lebanon Christian allies slaughtered the Palestinian civilians in Barut's Sabra and Salutila refugee camps. Facing the anger at home and abroad, the Israeli army was forced to retreat.

By the 1990s, Israel still occupied a large Lebanon land along the border.Today's General Israel was all young officers at the time. They had endless small -scale conflicts and firefires with the Altho, and the Allah became increasingly stronger in the process of expelled Israel.Ehud Barak, then Israeli Prime Minister and former Chief of Staff of the Israeli National Defense Force, withdrew the so -called "safe zone" in 2000.He believes that this has not made Israel safer, but instead let Israel pay too many soldiers.

In 2006, the Allah launched an unwise raid at a tense and highly militarized border, causing Israeli soldiers to die and capture.After the war, Hassan Nasrola said that if he realized that Israel would take revenge, he would not allow the raid.Ehud Olmert, then the Prime Minister of Israel, also participated in the war.

At first, Israel hopes that the air power can prevent the rocket attack against Israel.But when they found that this could not work, the army and tanks crossed the border again.This war was a disaster for Lebanon civilians.But on the last day of the war, the true parties were still firing rockets at Israel.

The current war and the future

Israeli commander knows that entering Lebanon in war will be more military challenging than fighting Hamas in Gasha.Since the end of the war in 2006, the Lord of the Lord has been formulating plans and will fight in southern Lebanon in the local area. There are many suitable guerrilla tactics.Rugged hill terrain.

Israel failed to destroy all the tunnels dug Hamas in Gaza.In the southern border of Lebanese, the Allah has been preparing tunnels and positions in solid rocks over the past 18 years.It has a powerful arsenal provided by Iran, which is different from Hamas, Gasha, and it can be supplied by Syrian land.

The Washington Special Economic Zone Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center estimates that the Allah owns about 30,000 active combatants and up to 20,000 reserve personnel. Most of them have been trained and are mobile light infantry teams.Many of them have combat experience in Syria with the support of the Assad regime.

Most of them are estimated to believe that the Lord has 120,000 to 200,000 missiles and rockets, from non -guided weapons to long -range weapons that can crack down on Israeli cities.

Israel may not use all these weapons in the beta, because they are worried that the Israeli Air Force will adopt a similar action against the Gaza Strip in Lebanon to turn the entire town into ruins and kill thousands of civilians.Iran may not want the Lord to use its hopes to retain weapons. These weapons should have been threatened and warned as an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.This is another gambling.The Allah may decide to use more weapons before Israel destroyed its arsenal.

With the continuity of the Gaza War and the continuous upgrading of violence on the west bank of the occupied Jordan River, if Israel invades Lebanon, it must also consider opening the third front.Israeli soldiers are fighting spirit, well -trained, and well -equipped, but after maintaining the need for a year of combat reserve, Israel's military reserve power is slightly weak.

Diplomatic Death Bureau

Israeli allies led by the United States do not want Israel to upgrade the war between Israel and the Ozo Party, nor does it want Israel to invade Lebanon.They insist that only through diplomatic means can the border be safe enough to return civilians to homeland on both sides.An American envoy has drafted an agreement, part of which is based on the resolution of the United Nations Security Council 1701 (2006), which is called the 2006 War.

But as long as the war of Gaza's war has not stopped, the diplomats will feel the elbow everywhere.Hassan Nasrola said that only the Garha War stopped, the Allah would stop attacking Israel.At present, neither Hamas nor Israel is willing to make necessary concessions to reach the Gaza ceasefire agreement and exchange Palestinian prisoners with Israel's hostages.

As the Israeli fighter continued to attack Lebanon, the civilians, which had been struggling with their families in the economic collapse, faced huge pain and uncertainty.Fear span the front line.The Israelites know that the Lord may cause more serious damage to them than last year.

Israel believes that it is time to take positive and bold operations, and drive the Allah out of its border.But it is facing a stubborn, well -equipped, angry enemy.This is the most dangerous crisis in the long war since Hamas attacked Israel. At present, there is nothing to stop it from going to a worse situation.