The violent attack on the Allah is the most intense confrontation between Israel and this Lebanon radical since 2006.This not only significantly expands the scale of the war, but also the performance of increasing cracks between President Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Neginiaho.

For a year, Biden has been disclosed and privately warned that it is necessary to avoid regional wars. Such a war can easily be upgraded to direct conflicts between Israel and Iran.A few days after the attack on Hamas attack on October 7, he went to Israel, not only promised the United States to Israel to support Israel, but also reminded Israel not to repeat the mistakes after the United States after the attack on September 11, 2001.At that time, he cautiously became the main topic of people's discussion.

Biden even had hope for the Middle East reform and peace agreement that he believed a year ago. He believed that even if the war between Hamas and Israel disrupted the foundation of the peace agreement, the agreement could still be maintained.

Biden's assistant said that now, the president has begun to admit that he has not spent much time.Biden's term is only four months left. The possibility of reaching a ceasefire and hostage agreement with Hamas seems to be more slim than that at the beginning of this summer.The risk of a wider range of war has never been so great.

At least in public, government officials still insist that they have not given up.They said that when the bombing of missiles brought death and destruction to northern and southern Lebanese, they could not make progress at all.But they still held a line of hope, thinking that even if the missiles and rockets between Israel and the Allah reaches this level, they will not evolve into regional wars they have always tried to avoid.

"Whenever the real party launchs a group of rockets, whenever Israel starts a blow, we will ask, 'Is this an upgrade?" Is this an upgrade? ""Liwen weekend insisted.Just a few hours before he delivered a speech, Israel was killed by the leader of the Lord, which was wanted for participating in the two explosions of Berut in 1983. The explosion killed more than 350 people, most of which were American soldiers.

"I think this is not a particularly useful behavior," Shalvin went on."For us, the most useful is to strive to promote the consensus between the two parties and achieve lasting results. Ending this cycle so that we will not fall into a larger scale."

In many ways, Shalvin can only maintain such a view, at least in public.The announcement of the announcement of Biden has no benefit.Although Shalvin insisted on Saturday, "I still believe that there is a way to reach the target" and a "twists and turns, full of obstructive roads", many people around him believe that the presidential implementation plan is not much.They pointed out that in fact, the United States has even been able to propose the "transitional plan" of the final ceasefire -the United States also said that such a plan is about to realize three weeks ago -because Neitanahu and Hamas leader Ye HaiyaIt is impossible to consider this plan at present.

"At present, we don't think we are in such a position -if we propose something today, they can let both parties agree," Salavin said -such a statement is at least the grim of diluting reality.

For the current Biden, in the last few months of his term, at most, he can only expect that his successor can accept a changeable agreement: Saudi Arabia acknowledges Israel and Israel agrees to the two countries' plans. ThisIt will give the Palestinian a real home and occupy a place in the international community.

However, in private, many members of the National Security Team of Biden have hardly concealed their anger for the Israeli Prime Minister these days.They are now more openly discussing the quarrel between the president on the phone with Neitanahu, and the frustrating Jerusalem trip.During that visit, he was guaranteed by Neitanahu in private, but a few hours later, Neitanahu violated these guarantees.

They can't help asking now that the Prime Minister has continuously put forward new conditions in the ceasefire negotiations, hoping to maintain the unity of its fragile alliance, or to stay in office for themselves, and not to go to court.

Although they said that the Prime Minister has the right to attack the true party of Lebanon's "country of the country", but they also said that when the pocket machine exploded in the pocket of the true parties, the White House announced that when the missile flew across, the White House announced that it was announced that the White House announced that it was announced thatThere is no call between the president and the prime minister, which shows the problem.It seems that there is nothing to say between them.

Dennis Ross, who has long been the representative of the Middle East issue negotiating, said in an interview on Monday that some of the problems are that Biden and Neitana have never reached an agreement on their ultimate goals -Neitanahu is convinced that he is convinced herself herselfIt can eliminate all the fatal threats facing his country, and Bayeng is determined to reach a peace agreement that has failed to reach the non -Richard President since Richard Nixon.

"The way of governing the country is to keep the goals and means consistent," said Rose, who is currently an outstanding researcher at the Washington Research Institute."I can't see what goals of Israel's current actions, or to achieve these goals." Ross said that Israel's idea is that this can force the Shisan Nasrola and Iran's support for the long -term leader of the Osam of the Lord.Those realized that before Israel and Gasha's Hamas reached a reconciliation, they would pay a huge price for the continued attack.

Israeli officials retorted that their goals were clear: launching a missile attack to destroy the Albon's command system and their weapon reserves.Since the Israeli announcement of the conflict center to Lebanon last week, this process has been conducting in an orderly manner.

Last week, the explosion of the paging machine and the walkie -talkie was just the beginning. The purpose was not only the members of the main party (the United States listed the Lord of the Lord as a foreign terrorist organization), but also made them afraid of communicating with each other.This is a plan that has been brewing for many years, involving a company that has penetrated the supply chain of the Lord.The Israeli leadership chose to perform the plan last week, indicating that they are about to launch a wider range of action.(Israel has neither confirmed nor denying a role in the explosion.)

Now, action has begun.The airborne Syrian Syrian of Israeli Special Forces bombed a facility that is believed in the manufacture of missiles -provided to the Allah.In Lebanese, Israel's missiles seem to be aimed at underground storage tunnels, basement, and any Israeli intelligence agencies believe that there are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of weapons.Officials in the United States and Israel said that the number of second explosions visible from some attack videos shows that at least some intelligence is accurate.

The scope and scale of this operation shows that Neitanahu is no longer satisfied with the power of regularly weakening the right of the Lord.In his opinion, everything changed on October 7th, and now it is time to solve the problems of Gaza and Lebanon once and for all.

However, it is difficult to imagine that Neitaniah can eliminate the true main party, just like he cannot eliminate Hamas.What is even more unimaginable is that Neitanahu needs to worry about how to cross Biden.He knew that if former President Trump was elected, he would have greater freedom and launched a war against Hamas and Allah in the way he thought.

"Israelis, especially the right wing in the Neitaniaho Alliance, is determined to solve this problem. They think this problem has been dragging too long and has been deteriorating," Steven Cook of the Foreign Relations Committee saidHe just ended talks with Israeli officials."They think the United States has given them wrong advice."

He pointed out that Biden "never really used his own influence to left Nearanahu."He pointed out that if the Prime Minister ignored his suggestion, the president had the right to cut off the specific types of military assistance."Unless you are willing to use this means, you have no ability to control him."