(Beijing Comprehensive News) Chinese official wife Peng Liyuan said when attending the Sino -US Youth Literature and Sports Friendship event on Tuesday that I was looking forward to knowing and intersection of young people between China and the United States and injecting positive energy into Sino -US relations.

According to the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency, Peng Liyuan attended the Sino -American youth and youth style friendship activities at the "China -US Friendship Youth Peace" in Beijing Eighth Middle School on Tuesday (September 24).The delegation communicated cordially.She said that teachers and students of delegations are welcome to visit China, understand China in person, and perceive the real China.

In addition to watching the Chinese and American youth basketball friendly match with Chinese and foreign guests, and presented a commemorative medal to the players on both sides, Peng Liyuan also watched the delegation's visit to China.American student representatives introduced her to visiting many provinces and cities in China, understanding different ethnic style, and experienced the unforgettable experience and feelings of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

Peng Liyuan said that the future of Sino -US relations is in the youth. I hope that after returning to China, everyone will share with family, friends, and classmates to visit China, conveying the friendship of the Chinese people, and let the friendship between the friendship between the people of China and the United States continuously blossomed.

According to the Voice of the United States in December last year, the increasingly tense situation in the United States and China has been in recent years, the influence of the 2019 crown disease epidemic, and the increasing concern of the Americans in China.href = "About:/News/China/Story20231129-1453166" target = _blank> The exchange between students of the two countries is therefore interrupted.

In November 2023, Chinese officials said in the San Francisco Joe Biden, Beijing, BeijingIn the next five years, 50,000 American students will be welcomed to China to exchange or study in China, and expressed their hope of improving the human relationship between China and the United States.Nearly a hundred teachers and students in more than 10 middle schools in Washington State this time are invited to visit China at the invitation of China Foreign Friendship Association.