A study shows that China's off -site cryptocurrency brokers are attracting unprecedented inflows, reflecting that investors are eager to alternate investment products in the context of economic trapped.

Based on the blockchain data platform CHAINALYSIS estimates, in the three quarters of June this year, the amount of funds per quarter exceeded $ 20 billion (the same, S $ 25.7 billion).The longest continuous record since 2021 has data.In the past nine months, the total capital inflow of funds has been US $ 75.4 billion.

Although Beijing issued a digital asset transaction ban three years ago due to the risks such as currency outflow and money laundering, the above figures further showed that China's continuous demand for cryptocurrencies.

Overseas transaction services provide a channel for exchanging RMB to digital currency, that is, there is no need to trade on an exchange with a public order book.Another channel is point -to -point (P2P) transactions, and investors can directly trade.

Bloomberg quoted ChainaLysis's network crime research director Eric Jardine, "Considering China's regulatory environment, including prohibiting cryptocurrency transactions and mining, these services are always in the gray area of ​​economy.He added that Beijing's ban on cryptocurrencies may not be strictly implemented.

CHAIINALYSIS said that about 55%of the total value of the funds received by traders on the off -site traders came from transfers worth more than $ 1 million.The agency added that it was impossible to know from the collected data whether the transfer was from wealthy people or companies that traded on behalf of small customers.