For national security considerations, the US Department of Commerce is reported to be prohibited from using Chinese software and hardware on Monday to propose on Monday and use Chinese software and hardware in American roads.

Reuters Sunday (September 22) quoted sources that the proposed regulations will prohibit vehicles with key communication facilities from imports and sales from China, as well as self -driving system software or hardware.

This move is a major upgrade of the United States' continuous restrictions on Chinese vehicles, software and components.Last week, the US government determined tariffs on Chinese goods worth billions of dollars, including increasing Chinese electric vehicle tariffs to 100%.

The US government expressed serious concerns about Chinese companies collecting data on US drivers and infrastructure, as well as vehicles that foreign countries may manipulate the Internet and navigation systems.

The US Minister of Commerce Raymond pointed out in May this year that there is a huge risk of Chinese software or hardware in Internet of US networking cars.She said: "In theory, if there are millions of cars on the road and the software is disabled, you can imagine the most disastrous results."

U.S. President Biden said earlier: "China’sPolicies may fill our vehicles in our market and constitute risks to our national security ... I will not let this happen during my term.The ministry plans to give the public 30 days before determining the final rule.

It is reported that almost all newer vehicles on the American road are regarded as "connected".Such vehicles have car network hardware that allows Internet access, allowing them to share data with the internal and external equipment inside and outside of the vehicle.