The Chinese and American Economic Working Group held the fifth meeting.China has expressed serious concerns about the United States' explanation of tariffs on China and the Agreement of Russia, and the United States has also expressed concern about Chinese companies involving assistance in Russia.

According to the press release of the Ministry of Finance of China, the Sino -US Economic Working Group held the fifth meeting in Beijing on Thursday (September 19) to Friday (20th).

The press release states that China has expressed serious concerns about the United States imposed tariffs on China, restrictions on investment in China, sanctions involving Russia, and influenced the interests of Chinese enterprises.The two sides agreed to continue to communicate.

He Lifeng, deputy prime minister of China, China and the United States, and the leader of the Chinese and American economics and trade with the leader of the US Ministry of Finance, who participated in the meeting, met and said that China and the United States should implement the meeting between the heads of state of the San Francisco and this year.In April, an important consensus of calling, maintaining communication and exchanges in the economic field, strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination, and proper concerns of each other on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and promoting the stable and healthy development of Sino -US economic relations.

According to the press release of the US Ministry of Finance, US officials expressed concern about the excess capacity of some areas of China's economy at this group meeting and the support of Chinese companies in Russia's support for the Russia and Ukraine.

The two parties also exchanged opinions on domestic macroeconomic prospects and discussed the fields of cooperation, including debt issues and financing challenges of emerging and developing economies.