Omer Celik, a ruling spokesman for the ruling party of Turkish President Rejip Tayyip Erdogan, said: "Our President has clearly statedAll important platforms including the BRICS country. "

Selik did not confirm whether Türkiye has officially applied for a report to join the BRICS country, but said that the "procedure is in progress."

It is expected that the BRICS countries will hold a meeting in Kazan, western Russia from October 22 to 24 to discuss the problem of absorbing new members.

What would happen if Türkiye joined the BRICS?

If Türkiye is really invited to join, it will become the first NATO member country in the non -Western Economic Union led by Russia and China.

Kerim Has, an expert in Russian relations with Russian relations with Russia, said: "I think this will have considerable symbolic significance for Turkey and BRICS countries, but also for NATO and Western groups.And importance. He emphasized that Türkiye needs foreign investment, and in view of the serious economic crisis of the country, it has to diversify it.

"Almost half of Turkey's trade is conducted with EU countries." Has said that because the Turkish economy mainly depends on European banks, if its economic collapse, it is not good news for European banks.

According to data from the EU Council, the European Union is Turkey's largest trading partner so far, accounting for 31.8%of Türkiye's total trade.In 2022, the total trade between the European Union and Turkey was close to 200 billion euros.

Has believes that this is why European countries have no sight of Turkey's actions that Türkiye will not participate in anti -Russian sanctions after the overall war in Ukraine.

"The West tolerates economic relations with Russia and other BRICS countries," Has said, in addition, if Turkey is a member of the BRICS country as a BRICS country, one of its role will be to reduce the anti -West in the group.Tone and connotation.

"From the perspective of the United States and the United Kingdom, the hidden role of Turkey in the BRICS five is to prevent the transition from a non -Western group from a non -Western group to an anti -Western organization."

image source, getty image

What is the BRICS country?

This development economy group was originally called the four BRICS countries, namely "BRIC" (abbreviations from Brazil, Russia, India and China).The five -nation of the brick, that is, "BRICS" (join South Africa abbreviation).

The purpose of

BRICS countries is to gather the world's most important developing countries to challenge the political and economic strength of rich countries in North America and Western Europe.

In recent years, the alliance has experienced major expansion, and now including Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates.

Saudi Arabia said it is considering joining, and Azerbaijan has formally made an application.

Bloomberg News reported last Monday that Türkiye also officially applied for a BRICS country a few months ago.

As early as 2018, President Erdogan expressed his interest in joining the BRICS countries at the tenth summit at Johannesburg, South Africa.

Why does Türkiye turn to the BRICS country?

President Erdogan, who has been in power for more than 20 years, is very dissatisfied with the lack of progress in Ankara's joining the European Union. He has always stated that Turkey needs to "improve" the relationship with East and the West.

Erdogan said: "We don't have to make choices between the European Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). On the contrary, we must develop the relationship with these two organizations and other organizations on the basis of win -win."/p>

In 2022, Turkey's trade with Russia accounted for 11%of its overall trade amount, and its trade with China accounted for 7.2%.

Has believes that Türkiye's joining the BRICS will be strongly supported by Russia.

He said that Russia's primary task is to maintain economic stability to maintain the Ukrainian war and ensure that the Russian economy will not collapse under Western sanctions.

"Therefore, Moscow always wants to be closely related to Turkey. There are so many connections between them from energy to trade and tourism. In addition, for Moscow, it can prove that they have the ability to develop some of NATO countries to develop someIt is also a good thing to recharge and benefit.

Yusuf Can in the US Think Tank Wilson Center said that Turkey's interest in BRICS, SCO, and other partnerships has increased day by day, which should not be regarded as a shaft transfer.

He believes, "NATO can benefit from allies to participate in these circles."

Economic Crisis

Turkey's deepening economic crisis and its dependence on foreign investment and debt financing are regarded as one of the reasons for Ankara's determination to take a balanced action in geopolitics.

According to statistics from the International Monetary Fund in 2023, Türkiye is the 17th largest economy in the world.

Data from the international agency show that the official price of Türkiye rose 71.6%, second only to Zimbabwe, Argentina, Sudan, and Venezuela.

All recent public opinion surveys in Türkiye pointed out that the cost of living is the main burden on the Turks.

President Erdogan has been put pressure on the Turkish central bank, demanding that he maintains low loan costs and emphasizes economic growth.

In his opinion, interest rates are the cause, inflation is the result.

But in the past year, he has changed economic policy, and the new economic management department is taking a more "orthodox" path.For example, the new board of directors of the Turkish Central Bank increased interest rates from 8.5%to 50%within nine months.

Although Mehmet Simsek, the current Turkish Minister of Finance, claims that the new plan is operating well and inflation is "the worst period has passed", many people still have doubts about the future.

UMIT Akcay of Berlin Economics and Law School said: "Since Simsek took office, although interest rates have increased from 8%to 50%, inflation has doubled, and Turkish li La also"Declars"

Akkay believes that this indicates that Simsek's orthodox solution does not work, and this plan regards excessive domestic demand and wage growth as the main source of inflation.

Experts point out that what will happen in the future of the Turkish economy will not be clear.

Dr. Akky believes that the inflation rate will decline in the next few months, the main reason is the base effect.

"However, the decline in inflation rate does not necessarily mean that the cost of life cost is over. If the actual salary is not improved or provided substantial support for the lower class, this crisis will continue."

If Türkiye's application for the success of the non -Western economic alliance is successful, it may have a stable role in the country's economy.

But the main purpose of Türkiye's intention to connect with the BRICS countries is also likely to be more in the political field, which is a further manifestation of Erdogan's presidential 360 diplomatic strategy.<<<