Former President Trump uses false stories to slander immigrants with false stories in the general election debate of the national TV live broadcast, saying that Haiti immigrants in a small town in Ohio eat local pet dogs and cats of locals. After a few days, some people began to threaten to explodeThe school, the city hall and other public buildings forced people to evacuate and trigger a wave of panic.

A few days later, the authorities said that a former Trump supporter who claimed to be dissatisfied on the Internet carried a semi -automatic rifle to the golf course of the former president at Florida, and obviously had to find a chance to shoot.Because a careful special service agent noticed him and fired first, he stopped his plan.

This is the situation in 2024.In less than a week, this person who was once and in the future may seem to be the source of political violence inspiration, but also obviously become the goal. This violence is increasingly shaping modern American politics.Bomb threats and assassination attempts have now become part of the political landscape. It is shocking and appalling that although it has not frequently forced the country to make any real clearing.

"One of the most worried things now is that the political violence in our political system is normal. This kind of violence is increasing," said the Federal Representative and Democrat Jason Cro in Colorado, saying thatHe is a member of a two -party special working group who investigated the attempt to assassinate Trump on July 13 this year."This is the second time this violence in two months, which exactly shows the general degree of political violence."

President Bayeng and Vice President He Jinli both issued a statement condemning the recent incident, but the campaign continued without disturbing.In order to protect Trump hurriedly sending him into the car, the team staff took him away from the Golf Club for less than four hours. His financial team sent an email to the fundraising list.Donation button."After another assassination attempt, my determination is more firm!" Trump wrote in an email.He Jinli's fundraising email is also being issued.

In the debate with He Jinli's election last week, Trump also attributed the shooting of the shooting at the Pennsylvana Bartles campaign in July, blame the Democrats, who was injured in his ears in that shooting.Regarding Sunday's shooting, he also attributed to the current president and vice president, saying that the arrested suspects were influenced by their political attacks.

"He believed in the words of Biden and He Jinli, and did it as follows," Trump told Fox News on Monday."Their remarks made me shot, and I was to save people of this country. They were the people who destroyed the country -from inside to the outside."

Just when he complained that Democrats called him the threat of democracy and made him the target of attack, he repeated his statement, "These people want to destroy our country" and call them "from from"Internal enemies" -This of these words is no less than that of him.

Indeed, his campaign team issued an email within a few hours, listing the saying that Bayeng, He Jinli and other Democrats used to attack Trump, such as "threats to our democracy" and "" threat to our democracy "and" ""The threat to this country" only said that the former president said in the general election debate last week, "they are threats to democracy."

One of the most well -known and outspoken supporters of Trump even questioned why Biden and He Jinli did not become the target of murder.Social media owner, billionaire Elon Musk wrote on the Internet: "No one tries to assassinate Bayen/Kamala."

Musk later deleted this post and said it was a joke, but the White House counterattacked."Violence should only be condemned, and must not be encouraged, or as a joke," said White House spokesman Andrew Bates."This kind of speech is irresponsible."

The United States has experienced a period of political violence in history.Among the presidents, four people were assassinated and one was seriously injured by a shot.A former president was also shot but was spared. Many people who lived in the White House also became the target of assassination.However, a former president has experienced two attempts to attempted attempts within two months, and he is still noticeable, especially during the fierce period of campaign. As a major candidate, he wanted to be elected president again.

Perhaps the closest analogy may be President Jerald Ford, and he escaped the assassination twice in just two weeks in 1975.But what is even more memorable is that Trump's two attempted attempts reminded many people in 1968. At that time, Rev. Martin Luther Kim and Robert Kennedy were assassinated after two months.Those assassinations occurred on the streets of the United States, and people felt that social bonds were disintegrated. This is also a problem that many leaders are worried about today.

Today, Trump lives in the core position of the outbreak of political violence. He seems to inspire people to support both to support him and to oppose him.For a long time, he has always liked to use violent language in political speeches, encouraging supporters to beat people who coaxed in his speech, threatened to shoot the robbery and unlicensed immigrants, and laughed at the almost fatal attack by the husband of the Democratic House of Representatives.And it is recommended to execute a general that he thinks is unfaithful.

Although Trump insisted that the fierce speech he delivered to the supporters on January 6, 2021 was not the reason for the abacus of the parliament building later, but he rejected the consultant and his daughter that he asked himThe request to attack the Congress Building.He even hinted that the thugs might be right to hang his vice president. Later, he always regarded the attacker as a patriot. If he was elected president again, he might pardon them.

Trump has never stopped reflecting on the impact of his speech.Just last week, he slandered to eat pets when he debated with He Jinli. Soon after that, someone issued a bomb threat, subverting the lives of people in the people of Springfield, Ohio, and he did not take any measures to stop these threats.After receiving the threat of 33 bombs, the governor of Ohio said on Monday that law enforcement departments will search for schools in the town every day.

When the reporter asked Trump if he condemned the bomb threat, he was not settled."I don't know what's going on with the threat of the bomb," he said."I know that the town has been taken over by illegal immigrants. It is terrible."

Trump's critics sometimes use violent language, although not repeated so widely at the highest level.The former president's allies posted a video collection on the Internet, which inside Trump's opponents that they wanted to hit his face or something like this.In the past day, some of the more extreme voices on social media laughed or faded the situation of Trump at the Florida golf course.Trump's allies often blame these people to have the so -called "Trump's mental disorder syndrome", that is, his critics' dislikes have exceeded the scope of rationality.

Of course, anger has always been the power to keep Trump's political career. On the one hand, he aroused anger for his opponent among supporters, and on the other handAngry.The prediction that he might re -consider this after escaping in Butler was proved to be short -lived.Five days later, when the Republican National Congress delivered less than half of the speech accepting nominations, he had returned to the old way.

But the recent assassination attempt may not bring a different response from the first time, which indicates that political violence has become part of contemporary American culture -maybe not accepted, but people are increasingly expectedEssenceWith the development of people's attention to other things, the shock brought by the Batler's shooting fell quickly.The shock brought by the shooting may not last longer.