China's well-known China is known as the "anti-American fighter" in China, wellOn the occasion of Sima, a big V Sima, it is dressed as Shi Xian Li Bai. It appeared in the promotion of West Feng Wine, a well -known wine brand in Shaanxi, and caused controversy and ridicule of netizens. Many netizens threatened to resist the wine brand.Xifeng Liquor issued a notice to dealers and suppliers on Thursday (September 19), requiring celebrities invited by promotion activities to meet the core values ​​of socialism.

Guohua Porcelain West Phoenix Wine held the "Mid -Autumn Festival Tang Night Banquet" event in Furong Garden in Xi'an.The event video showed that Sima Nan played the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai during the event. He was wearing a white gown, wearing a hoe, and holding a folding fan. With a group of people, he passed through the city of Datang, Xi'an.Li Bai will enter the wine.

Dressed as Shi Xian Li Bai as the platform of West Feng Banjiu, a well -known wine brand in Shaanxi.(Internet)

Chinese netizens have a bad review of Sima Nan.Some netizens said that "if Li Bai knew under the spring, he would die if he would die", and many netizens threatened to resist the wine brand, and said that the wine merchant was engaged in "suicide marketing".

Sima Nan accidentally fell at the door of a shop in Datang, and many netizens teased Sima Nan's "hoeing" to become "hoe".

"Chocoa" is the derogation of Sima Nan.Sima Nan, who has long published anti -American speech on January 20, 2012, had an accident during a visit to the United States on January 20, 2012. It was stuck in the head and neck without any protection between the elevator and the hanging wall at the airport.It is described as "anti -American is work, staying in the United States is life".

It is understood that there are three major OEMs under Xifeng wine.Some people in the industry said that the invitation of Sima Nan was a decision to make Sima Nan's team.

Xifeng Liquor issued a notice on regulating marketing activities on Thursday, and told its dealers and suppliers that in orderAll market activities of brand operation companies implement a written reporting management system, and the marketing management company's marketing department is reviewed and agreed.

Notice also pointed out that experts, scholars, important leaders, cultural celebrities, and large V V of the event need to be in line with the core values ​​of socialism, and it is in line with the brand concept, corporate culture, and business strategy of Xifengjiu.

Currently on social platforms, Sima Nan's identity information is a host and scholar.As of September 19, Sima Nan Sina Weibo fans were about 3.23 million, Douyin fans exceeded 3.7.68 million, and fans of fast -handed fans were 5.05 million.Earlier, some of the remarks he published many times caused controversy and had been banned by multiple platforms.