US and Chinese senior economic officials will meet in Beijing this week. The Bayeng government hopes to use this opportunity again to ask Beijing to avoid using industrial policies that stimulate the export of manufacturing to impact the external world.

According to BloomberIts macroeconomic imbalance and overcapacity.

The official also added that the United States is concerned that China's decision -making level tends to further promote the manufacturing industry as an economic growth engine, thereby causing serious spillover effects on American companies and practitioners.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen has repeatedly warned that China's overcapacity may cause global markets to be submerged by artificial prices and stifle related industries in the United States and other countries.

It is reported that the US delegation will be composed of officials of the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Reserve Commission, and is led by Jay Shambaugh, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, who is responsible for international affairs.

Shangbo said: "During this trip, we will further discuss China's macroeconomic imbalance and industrial policies. These policies may cause major damage to workers and enterprises around the United States and around the world." He also saidIt is very important to have a "tough negotiation channel", "especially in the field of differences in us."

The Bayeng government has maintained communication with China through talks, especially in terms of common challenges, and can also implement policies to protect national security.

Since July last year, Yellen has met with the leaders of both Sino -US economic and trade and China Vice Premier He Lifeng, which are in Beijing twice and once in San Francisco.

In September last year, Shortly after Yellen's first visit to China, the two countries agreed to set up two working groups to discuss economic and financial issues.