The Hong Kong Meicheng Moon Cake, which is a well -known anchor "Crazy Yang Brother" with the goods, was previously questioned by the false propaganda.The staff of the Chinese media quoted the staff of the Huadu District Market Supervision Bureau of Guangzhou, saying that the latest penalties for the Crazy Yang Brother to bring moon cakes -Guangzhou Meicheng Food Co., Ltd. are still studying and discussing.The market supervision department jointly verified the decision.

Surging News reported on Wednesday (September 18) in the morning, and quoted the staff of the Huadu District Market Supervision Bureau that in terms of false propaganda, the enterprises and crazy small involved in the cases involved in false propaganda are involved in the generality, the companies involved in the incident and the crazy small small small small.Yang Ge's cargo company Hefei Sanyi Yangyang Network Technology Co., Ltd. belongs to different regions and will conduct a joint investigation with the foreign market regulatory authorities.

For subsequent regulatory actions, the staff of Huadu District Market Supervision Bureau said that they will continue to strengthen supervision to ensure food safety and avoid such phenomena. At the same timeCommunicate in time to understand on -site inspection.

The staff also said that in addition to Meicheng moon cakes, it will continue to closely follow up other "fake moon cakes" sales related.

The Hong Kong Micheng Mooncake, which is Crazy Xiao Yang and the three sheep's anchors, was questioned false propaganda.

Hefei High -tech Zone Market Supervision Bureau on Tuesday (September 17) in the "Hefei High -tech Release" WeChat public account release report, and the three sheep online technology Co., Ltd. suspected of misleading consumers and other behaviors in the live broadcastInvestigation.

Earlier, the Huadu District Market Supervision Bureau told the Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City on Sunday (September 15) that after the situation was followed last Friday (September 13)Meicheng Food Co., Ltd. was checked.

Surging News found that the brand operator of Meicheng Mooncake is Guangzhou Meicheng Food Co., Ltd., and the manufacturer is Guangzhou Meicheng Food Technology Co., Ltd., all in Huadu District, Guangzhou.The two companies claim that their parent company is Hong Kong Meicheng Food Group Co., Ltd.